class | AbstractEventMetaType |
| The base class for event metatypes. More...
class | AccountRegistry |
class | AccountSettings |
| A group of settings for one Matrix account. More...
class | AccountSettingsGroup |
class | Add3PIDJob |
| Adds contact information to the user's account. More...
class | asKeyValueRange |
| An adaptor for Qt (hash-)maps to make them iterable in STL style. More...
struct | AuthenticationData |
| Used by clients to submit authentication information to the interactive-authentication API. More...
class | Avatar |
class | BanJob |
| Ban a user in the room. More...
class | BaseJob |
class | Bind3PIDJob |
| Binds a 3PID to the user's account through an Identity Service. More...
struct | BooleanCapability |
class | CallEvent |
class | CallHangupEvent |
class | CallInviteEvent |
class | ChangePasswordJob |
| Changes a user's password. More...
class | CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob |
| Checks to see if a username is available on the server. More...
class | ClaimKeysJob |
| Claim one-time encryption keys. More...
class | Connection |
class | ConnectionData |
class | ConnectionsGuard |
| A guard pointer that disconnects an interested object upon destruction. More...
class | CreateContentJob |
| Create a new mxc:// URI without uploading the content. More...
class | CreateRoomJob |
| Create a new room. More...
struct | CrossSigningKey |
| Cross signing key. More...
struct | CStructDeleter |
struct | Curve25519Encrypted |
class | Database |
class | DeactivateAccountJob |
| Deactivate a user's account. More...
class | DefineFilterJob |
| Upload a new filter. More...
class | Delete3pidFromAccountJob |
| Deletes a third-party identifier from the user's account. More...
class | DeleteDeviceJob |
| Delete a device. More...
class | DeleteDevicesJob |
| Bulk deletion of devices. More...
class | DeletePushRuleJob |
| Delete a push rule. More...
class | DeleteRoomAliasJob |
| Remove a mapping of room alias to room ID. More...
class | DeleteRoomKeyBySessionIdJob |
| Delete a key from the backup. More...
class | DeleteRoomKeysByRoomIdJob |
| Delete the keys from the backup for a given room. More...
class | DeleteRoomKeysJob |
| Delete the keys from the backup. More...
class | DeleteRoomKeysVersionJob |
| Delete an existing key backup. More...
class | DeleteRoomTagJob |
| Remove a tag from the room. More...
struct | Device |
| A client device. More...
struct | DeviceKeys |
| Device identity keys. More...
struct | DevicesList |
class | DirectChatEvent |
struct | DiscoveryInformation |
class | DownloadFileJob |
class | DummyEvent |
struct | EmailValidationData |
struct | EmojiEntry |
class | EncryptedEvent |
struct | EncryptedFileMetadata |
class | EncryptionEvent |
class | EncryptionEventContent |
class | Event |
struct | EventFilter |
class | EventItemBase |
class | EventMetaType |
| A family of event meta-types to load and match events. More...
struct | EventRelation |
struct | EventStats |
| Counters of unread events and highlights with a precision flag. More...
class | EventTemplate |
| A template base class to derive your event type from. More...
class | EventTemplate< EventT, CallEvent > |
class | EventTemplate< EventT, CallEvent, ContentT > |
class | EventTemplate< EventT, StateEvent, ContentT > |
class | Expected |
| A minimal subset of std::expected from C++23. More...
struct | FieldType |
| Definition of valid values for a field. More...
class | FileTransferInfo |
struct | Filter |
class | FixedBuffer |
class | FixedBufferBase |
| Non-template base for owning byte span classes. More...
class | ForgetRoomJob |
| Stop the requesting user remembering about a particular room. More...
struct | function_traits |
| Determine traits of an arbitrary function/lambda/functor. More...
struct | function_traits< ReturnT(ArgTs...)> |
class | GenerateLoginTokenJob |
| Optional endpoint to generate a single-use, time-limited, m.login.token token. More...
class | GetAccount3PIDsJob |
| Gets a list of a user's third-party identifiers. More...
class | GetAccountDataJob |
| Get some account data for the user. More...
class | GetAccountDataPerRoomJob |
| Get some account data for the user that is specific to a room. More...
class | GetAvatarUrlJob |
| Get the user's avatar URL. More...
class | GetCapabilitiesJob |
| Gets information about the server's capabilities. More...
class | GetConfigAuthedJob |
| Get the configuration for the content repository. More...
class | GetConfigJob |
| Get the configuration for the content repository. More...
class | GetContentAuthedJob |
| Download content from the content repository. More...
class | GetContentJob |
| Download content from the content repository. More...
class | GetContentOverrideNameAuthedJob |
| Download content from the content repository overriding the file name. More...
class | GetContentOverrideNameJob |
| Download content from the content repository overriding the file name. More...
class | GetContentThumbnailAuthedJob |
| Download a thumbnail of content from the content repository. More...
class | GetContentThumbnailJob |
| Download a thumbnail of content from the content repository. More...
class | GetDeviceJob |
| Get a single device. More...
class | GetDevicesJob |
| List registered devices for the current user. More...
class | GetDisplayNameJob |
| Get the user's display name. More...
class | GetEventByTimestampJob |
| Get the closest event ID to the given timestamp. More...
class | GetEventContextJob |
| Get events and state around the specified event. More...
class | GetFilterJob |
| Download a filter. More...
class | GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob |
| Gets the list of currently joined users and their profile data. More...
class | GetJoinedRoomsJob |
| Lists the user's current rooms. More...
class | GetKeysChangesJob |
| Query users with recent device key updates. More...
class | GetLocalAliasesJob |
| Get a list of local aliases on a given room. More...
class | GetLoginFlowsJob |
| Get the supported login types to authenticate users. More...
class | GetMembersByRoomJob |
| Get the m.room.member events for the room. More...
class | GetNotificationsJob |
| Gets a list of events that the user has been notified about. More...
class | GetOneRoomEventJob |
| Get a single event by event ID. More...
class | GetPresenceJob |
| Get this user's presence state. More...
class | GetProtocolMetadataJob |
| Retrieve metadata about a specific protocol that the homeserver supports. More...
class | GetProtocolsJob |
| Retrieve metadata about all protocols that a homeserver supports. More...
class | GetPublicRoomsJob |
| Lists the public rooms on the server. More...
class | GetPushersJob |
| Gets the current pushers for the authenticated user. More...
class | GetPushRuleActionsJob |
| The actions for a push rule. More...
class | GetPushRuleJob |
| Retrieve a push rule. More...
class | GetPushRulesGlobalJob |
| Retrieve all push rules. More...
class | GetPushRulesJob |
| Retrieve all push rulesets. More...
class | GetRelatingEventsJob |
| Get the child events for a given parent event. More...
class | GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob |
| Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType and eventType . More...
class | GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob |
| Get the child events for a given parent event, with a given relType . More...
class | GetRoomEventsJob |
| Get a list of events for this room. More...
class | GetRoomIdByAliasJob |
| Get the room ID corresponding to this room alias. More...
class | GetRoomKeyBySessionIdJob |
| Retrieve a key from the backup. More...
class | GetRoomKeysByRoomIdJob |
| Retrieve the keys from the backup for a given room. More...
class | GetRoomKeysJob |
| Retrieve the keys from the backup. More...
class | GetRoomKeysVersionCurrentJob |
| Get information about the latest backup version. More...
class | GetRoomKeysVersionJob |
| Get information about an existing backup. More...
class | GetRoomStateJob |
| Get all state events in the current state of a room. More...
class | GetRoomStateWithKeyJob |
| Get the state identified by the type and key. More...
class | GetRoomTagsJob |
| List the tags for a room. More...
class | GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob |
| Gets the visibility of a room in the directory. More...
class | GetSpaceHierarchyJob |
| Retrieve a portion of a space tree. More...
class | GetThreadRootsJob |
| Fetches a list of the threads in a room. More...
class | GetTokenOwnerJob |
| Gets information about the owner of an access token. More...
class | GetTurnServerJob |
| Obtain TURN server credentials. More...
class | GetUrlPreviewAuthedJob |
| Get information about a URL for a client. More...
class | GetUrlPreviewJob |
| Get information about a URL for a client. More...
class | GetUserProfileJob |
| Get this user's profile information. More...
class | GetVersionsJob |
| Gets the versions of the specification supported by the server. More...
class | GetWellknownJob |
| Gets Matrix server discovery information about the domain. More...
class | GetWellknownSupportJob |
| Gets homeserver contacts and support details. More...
class | GetWhoIsJob |
| Gets information about a particular user. More...
struct | HashMapFromJson |
struct | HashQ |
| This is only to make UnorderedMap alias work until we get rid of it. More...
struct | HkdfKeys |
struct | HomeserverData |
struct | HomeserverInformation |
| Used by clients to discover homeserver information. More...
struct | IdentityKeys |
struct | IdentityServerInformation |
| Used by clients to discover identity server information. More...
class | InviteBy3PIDJob |
| Invite a user to participate in a particular room. More...
class | InviteUserJob |
| Invite a user to participate in a particular room. More...
class | IsPushRuleEnabledJob |
| Get whether a push rule is enabled. More...
struct | JobBackoffStrategy |
class | JobHandle |
| A job pointer and a QFuture in a single package. More...
class | JoinRoomByIdJob |
| Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. More...
class | JoinRoomJob |
| Start the requesting user participating in a particular room. More...
class | JoinRulesEvent |
| Class to define a join rule state event. More...
struct | JsonArrayConverter |
struct | JsonConverter |
| The switchboard for extra conversion algorithms behind from/toJson. More...
struct | JsonConverter< event_ptr_tt< EventT > > |
struct | JsonConverter< EventContent::SingleKeyValue< ValueT, KeyStr > > |
struct | JsonConverter< PowerLevelsEventContent > |
struct | JsonConverter< QList< T > > |
struct | JsonConverter< QStringList > |
struct | JsonConverter< QUrl > |
struct | JsonConverter< QVariant > |
struct | JsonConverter< std::array< T, N > > |
struct | JsonConverter< std::optional< T > > |
struct | JsonConverter< std::variant< QString, T > > |
struct | JsonConverter< std::vector< T > > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< AuthenticationData > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< BooleanCapability > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< CreateRoomJob::Invite3pid > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< CreateRoomJob::StateEvent > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< CrossSigningKey > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< Device > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< DeviceKeys > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< DevicesList > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< DiscoveryInformation > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< EmailValidationData > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< EncryptedFileMetadata > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< EventFilter > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< EventRelation > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< FieldType > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< Filter > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetAccount3PIDsJob::ThirdPartyIdentifier > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetCapabilitiesJob::Capabilities > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetCapabilitiesJob::RoomVersionsCapability > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob::RoomMember > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlow > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetNotificationsJob::Notification > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetPushersJob::Pusher > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetPushersJob::PusherData > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetSpaceHierarchyJob::SpaceHierarchyRoomsChunk > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetWellknownSupportJob::Contact > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetWhoIsJob::ConnectionInfo > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetWhoIsJob::DeviceInfo > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< GetWhoIsJob::SessionInfo > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< HomeserverInformation > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< IdentityServerInformation > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< JWK > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< KeyBackupData > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< MsisdnValidationData > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< OpenIdCredentials > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< Post3PIDsJob::ThreePidCredentials > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< PostPusherJob::PusherData > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< ProtocolInstance > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< PublicRoomsChunk > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< PushCondition > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< PushRule > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< PushRuleset > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< QHash< QString, T > > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< QSet< QString > > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< QueryKeysJob::DeviceInformation > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< QueryKeysJob::UnsignedDeviceInfo > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< QueryPublicRoomsJob::Filter > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< RequestTokenResponse > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< RoomEventFilter > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< RoomFilter > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< RoomKeyBackup > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< RoomSummary > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::Categories > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::EventContext > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::Group > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::Groupings > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::GroupValue > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::IncludeEventContext > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::Result > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::ResultCategories > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::ResultRoomEvents > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::RoomEventsCriteria > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchJob::UserProfile > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< SearchUserDirectoryJob::User > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< std::unordered_map< QString, T, HashT > > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< Tag > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< ThirdPartyLocation > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< ThirdPartyProtocol > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< ThirdPartySigned > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< ThirdPartyUser > |
struct | JsonObjectConverter< UserIdentifier > |
struct | JsonObjectUnpacker |
struct | JWK |
struct | KeyBackupData |
| The key data. More...
class | KeyedStateEventBase |
class | KeyImport |
class | KeylessStateEventBase |
class | KeyVerificationAcceptEvent |
| Accepts a previously sent m.key.verification.start message. More...
class | KeyVerificationCancelEvent |
class | KeyVerificationDoneEvent |
class | KeyVerificationEvent |
class | KeyVerificationKeyEvent |
| Sends the ephemeral public key for a device to the partner device. More...
class | KeyVerificationMacEvent |
| Sends the MAC of a device's key to the partner device. More...
class | KeyVerificationReadyEvent |
class | KeyVerificationRequestEvent |
| Requests a key verification with another user's devices. More...
class | KeyVerificationSession |
class | KeyVerificationStartEvent |
| Begins a key verification process. More...
class | KickJob |
| Kick a user from the room. More...
class | KnockRoomJob |
| Knock on a room, requesting permission to join. More...
class | LeaveRoomJob |
| Stop the requesting user participating in a particular room. More...
class | LoginJob |
| Authenticates the user. More...
class | LogoutAllJob |
| Invalidates all access tokens for a user. More...
class | LogoutJob |
| Invalidates a user access token. More...
class | MediaThumbnailJob |
class | MemberEventContent |
struct | MemberSorter |
class | Mocked |
struct | MsisdnValidationData |
class | MxcReply |
class | NetworkAccessManager |
class | NetworkSettings |
struct | Notification |
struct | OpenIdCredentials |
struct | Overloads |
| Multiplex several functors in one. More...
class | PeekEventsJob |
| Listen on the event stream of a particular room. More...
class | PendingEventItem |
class | PicklingKey |
class | Post3PIDsJob |
| Adds contact information to the user's account. More...
class | PostPusherJob |
| Modify a pusher for this user on the homeserver. More...
class | PostReceiptJob |
| Send a receipt for the given event ID. More...
class | PostRoomKeysVersionJob |
| Create a new backup. More...
struct | PowerLevelsEventContent |
struct | ProtocolInstance |
struct | PublicRoomsChunk |
struct | PushCondition |
struct | PushRule |
struct | PushRuleset |
class | PutRoomKeyBySessionIdJob |
| Store a key in the backup. More...
class | PutRoomKeysByRoomIdJob |
| Store several keys in the backup for a given room. More...
class | PutRoomKeysJob |
| Store several keys in the backup. More...
class | PutRoomKeysVersionJob |
| Update information about an existing backup. More...
class | QOlmAccount |
class | QOlmInboundGroupSession |
class | QOlmMessage |
| A wrapper around an olm encrypted message. More...
class | QOlmOutboundGroupSession |
class | QOlmSession |
| Either an outbound or inbound session for secure communication. More...
class | QOlmUtility |
class | QueryKeysJob |
| Download device identity keys. More...
class | QueryLocationByAliasJob |
| Reverse-lookup third-party locations given a Matrix room alias. More...
class | QueryLocationByProtocolJob |
| Retrieve Matrix-side portals rooms leading to a third-party location. More...
class | QueryPublicRoomsJob |
| Lists the public rooms on the server with optional filter. More...
class | QueryUserByIDJob |
| Reverse-lookup third-party users given a Matrix User ID. More...
class | QueryUserByProtocolJob |
| Retrieve the Matrix User ID of a corresponding third-party user. More...
class | Range |
class | ReactionEvent |
class | ReadReceipt |
| Data structure for a room member's read receipt. More...
class | ReceiptEvent |
struct | ReceiptsForEvent |
class | RedactEventJob |
| Strips all non-integrity-critical information out of an event. More...
class | RedactionEvent |
class | RedirectToIdPJob |
| Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface for an IdP. More...
class | RedirectToSSOJob |
| Redirect the user's browser to the SSO interface. More...
class | RefreshJob |
| Refresh an access token. More...
class | RegisterJob |
| Register for an account on this homeserver. More...
class | RegistrationTokenValidityJob |
| Query if a given registration token is still valid. More...
class | ReportContentJob |
| Report an event in a joined room as inappropriate. More...
class | RequestData |
class | RequestOpenIdTokenJob |
| Get an OpenID token object to verify the requester's identity. More...
struct | RequestTokenResponse |
class | RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob |
| Begins the validation process for an email address for association with the user's account. More...
class | RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob |
| Begins the validation process for a phone number for association with the user's account. More...
class | RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob |
| Begins the validation process for an email to be used during registration. More...
class | RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob |
| Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of registering an account. More...
class | RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob |
| Requests a validation token be sent to the given email address for the purpose of resetting a user's password. More...
class | RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob |
| Requests a validation token be sent to the given phone number for the purpose of resetting a user's password. More...
class | Room |
class | RoomAvatarEvent |
class | RoomCanonicalAliasEvent |
class | RoomCreateEvent |
class | RoomEvent |
struct | RoomEventFilter |
struct | RoomFilter |
| Filters to be applied to room data. More...
struct | RoomKeyBackup |
| The backed up keys for a room. More...
class | RoomKeyEvent |
class | RoomMember |
| Representation of a user state in a room. More...
class | RoomMemberEvent |
class | RoomMessageEvent |
class | RoomPowerLevelsEvent |
class | RoomServerAclEvent |
class | RoomStateView |
struct | RoomSummary |
| Room summary, as defined in MSC688. More...
class | RoomTombstoneEvent |
class | SearchJob |
| Perform a server-side search. More...
class | SearchUserDirectoryJob |
| Searches the user directory. More...
class | SendMessageJob |
| Send a message event to the given room. More...
class | SendToDeviceJob |
| Send an event to a given set of devices. More...
class | SetAccountDataJob |
| Set some account data for the user. More...
class | SetAccountDataPerRoomJob |
| Set some account data for the user that is specific to a room. More...
class | SetAvatarUrlJob |
| Set the user's avatar URL. More...
class | SetDisplayNameJob |
| Set the user's display name. More...
class | SetPresenceJob |
| Update this user's presence state. More...
class | SetPushRuleActionsJob |
| Set the actions for a push rule. More...
class | SetPushRuleEnabledJob |
| Enable or disable a push rule. More...
class | SetPushRuleJob |
| Add or change a push rule. More...
class | SetReadMarkerJob |
| Set the position of the read marker for a room. More...
class | SetRoomAliasJob |
| Create a new mapping from room alias to room ID. More...
class | SetRoomStateWithKeyJob |
| Send a state event to the given room. More...
class | SetRoomTagJob |
| Add a tag to a room. More...
class | SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob |
| Sets the visibility of a room in the room directory. More...
class | Settings |
class | SettingsGroup |
class | SetTypingJob |
| Informs the server that the user has started or stopped typing. More...
class | SignedOneTimeKey |
class | SsoSession |
class | SSSSHandler |
class | StateEvent |
class | StickerEvent |
class | SyncData |
class | SyncJob |
class | SyncRoomData |
struct | Tag |
struct | ThirdPartyLocation |
struct | ThirdPartyProtocol |
struct | ThirdPartySigned |
struct | ThirdPartyUser |
class | Thread |
class | TimelineItem |
class | UnbanJob |
| Unban a user from the room. More...
class | Unbind3pidFromAccountJob |
| Removes a user's third-party identifier from an identity server. More...
struct | UnsignedOneTimeKeys |
| Struct representing the one-time keys. More...
class | UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob |
| Updates a room's visibility in the application service's room directory. More...
class | UpdateDeviceJob |
| Update a device. More...
class | UpgradeRoomJob |
| Upgrades a room to a new room version. More...
class | UploadContentJob |
| Upload some content to the content repository. More...
class | UploadContentToMXCJob |
| Upload content to an mxc:// URI that was created earlier. More...
class | UploadCrossSigningKeysJob |
| Upload cross-signing keys. More...
class | UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob |
| Upload cross-signing signatures. More...
class | UploadKeysJob |
| Upload end-to-end encryption keys. More...
class | Uri |
| A wrapper around a Matrix URI or identifier. More...
class | UriDispatcher |
| Resolve the resource and invoke an action on it, via Qt signals. More...
class | UriResolverBase |
| Abstract class to resolve the resource and act on it. More...
class | User |
struct | UserIdentifier |
| Identification information for a user. More...
struct | UserTimestamp |
bool | operator== (const LoginFlow &lhs, const LoginFlow &rhs) |
bool | operator!= (const LoginFlow &lhs, const LoginFlow &rhs) |
template<typename T = Room> |
auto | defaultRoomFactory (Connection *c, const QString &id, JoinState js) |
| The default factory to create room objects.
template<typename T = User> |
auto | defaultUserFactory (Connection *c, const QString &id) |
| The default factory to create user objects.
void | editSubobject (QJsonObject &json, auto key, std::invocable< QJsonObject & > auto visitor) |
void | replaceSubvalue (QJsonObject &json, auto topLevelKey, auto subKey, QJsonValue subValue) |
template<typename PodT , typename JsonT > |
PodT | fromJson (const JsonT &) |
template<typename T > |
auto | toJson (const T &pod) |
template<typename T > |
void | fillJson (QJsonObject &json, const T &data) |
template<typename JsonT , typename PodT > |
void | fromJson (const JsonT &json, PodT &pod) |
template<typename T > |
void | fillFromJson (const QJsonValue &jv, T &pod) |
template<typename EnumT , typename EnumStringValuesT > |
std::optional< EnumT > | enumFromJsonString (const QString &s, const EnumStringValuesT &enumValues) |
| Facility string-to-enum converter.
template<typename EnumT , typename EnumStringValuesT > |
QString | enumToJsonString (EnumT v, const EnumStringValuesT &enumValues) |
| Facility enum-to-string converter.
template<typename FlagT , typename FlagStringValuesT > |
std::optional< FlagT > | flagFromJsonString (const QString &s, const FlagStringValuesT &flagValues) |
| Facility converter for flags.
template<typename FlagT , typename FlagStringValuesT > |
QString | flagToJsonString (FlagT v, const FlagStringValuesT &flagValues) |
template<> |
bool | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
int | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
double | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
float | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
qint64 | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
QString | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
QByteArray | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv)=delete |
template<> |
QJsonArray | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<> |
QJsonArray | fromJson (const QJsonDocument &jd) |
QJsonValue | toJson (const QDateTime &val) |
template<> |
QDateTime | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
QJsonValue | toJson (const QDate &val) |
template<> |
QDate | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<typename... Ts> |
QJsonValue | toJson (const std::variant< Ts... > &v) |
QJsonObject QUOTIENT_API | toJson (const QVariantHash &vh) |
template<> |
QVariantHash QUOTIENT_API | fromJson (const QJsonValue &jv) |
template<bool Force = true, typename ContT , typename KeyT , typename ValT > |
void | addParam (ContT &container, KeyT &&key, ValT &&value) |
auto | toSnakeCase (QLatin1String s) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetAccountDataJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetAccountDataPerRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetAccount3PIDsJob *job) |
QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_DEPRECATED auto | collectResponse (const Post3PIDsJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const Delete3pidFromAccountJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const Unbind3pidFromAccountJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetConfigAuthedJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetCapabilitiesJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const UploadContentJob *job) |
QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_DEPRECATED auto | collectResponse (const GetConfigJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const CreateRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetDevicesJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetDeviceJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetLocalAliasesJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const DefineFilterJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetFilterJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const JoinRoomByIdJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const JoinRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const PostRoomKeysVersionJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetRoomKeyBySessionIdJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetRoomKeysByRoomIdJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetRoomKeysJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const UploadKeysJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const KnockRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetJoinedRoomsJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetLoginFlowsJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestOpenIdTokenJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetDisplayNameJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetAvatarUrlJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetPushersJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetPushRulesJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetPushRulesGlobalJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetPushRuleJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const IsPushRuleEnabledJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetPushRuleActionsJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RedactEventJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const DeactivateAccountJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const RegistrationTokenValidityJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const SendMessageJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const SetRoomStateWithKeyJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const UpgradeRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (GetOneRoomEventJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetRoomStateWithKeyJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (GetRoomStateJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (GetMembersByRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const SearchJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetRoomTagsJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetProtocolsJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetProtocolMetadataJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const QueryLocationByProtocolJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const QueryUserByProtocolJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const QueryLocationByAliasJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const QueryUserByIDJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetTurnServerJob *job) |
auto | collectResponse (const GetWellknownJob *job) |
QByteArray | zeroedByteArray (QByteArray::size_type n=32) |
template<size_t N, typename T = uint8_t> |
consteval std::array< T, N > | zeroes () |
template<size_t Size = DefaultPbkdf2KeyLength> |
QUOTIENT_API SslExpected< key_material_t< Size > > | pbkdf2HmacSha512 (const QByteArray &passphrase, const QByteArray &salt, int iterations) |
| Generate a key out of the given passphrase.
QUOTIENT_API SslExpected< HkdfKeys > | hkdfSha256 (key_view_t key, byte_view_t< 32 > salt, byte_view_t<> info) |
| Derive a key from the input data using HKDF-SHA256.
QUOTIENT_API SslExpected< QByteArray > | hmacSha256 (byte_view_t< HmacKeySize > hmacKey, const QByteArray &data) |
| Calculate a MAC from the given key and data.
QUOTIENT_API QOlmExpected< QByteArray > | curve25519AesSha2Decrypt (QByteArray ciphertext, const QByteArray &privateKey, const QByteArray &ephemeral, const QByteArray &mac) |
| Decrypt the data using Curve25519-AES-Sha256.
QUOTIENT_API QOlmExpected< Curve25519Encrypted > | curve25519AesSha2Encrypt (const QByteArray &plaintext, const QByteArray &publicKey) |
| Encrypt the data using Curve25519-AES-Sha256.
QUOTIENT_API SslExpected< QByteArray > | aesCtr256Encrypt (const QByteArray &plaintext, byte_view_t< Aes256KeySize > key, byte_view_t< AesBlockSize > iv) |
| Encrypt data using AES-CTR-256.
QUOTIENT_API SslExpected< QByteArray > | aesCtr256Decrypt (const QByteArray &ciphertext, byte_view_t< Aes256KeySize > key, byte_view_t< AesBlockSize > iv) |
| Decrypt data using AES-CTR-256.
QUOTIENT_API std::vector< byte_t > | base58Decode (const QByteArray &encoded) |
QUOTIENT_API QByteArray | sign (const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &data) |
bool | isSupportedAlgorithm (const QString &algorithm) |
QUOTIENT_API QByteArray | byteArrayForOlm (size_t bufferSize) |
| Initialise a buffer object for use with Olm calls.
size_t | unsignedSize (const auto &buffer) |
| Get a size of a container coerced to size_t.
template<size_t N = std::dynamic_extent> |
auto | asCBytes (const auto &buf) |
| Obtain a std::span<const byte_t, N> looking into the passed buffer.
template<size_t N = std::dynamic_extent> |
auto | asWritableCBytes (auto &buf) |
| Obtain a std::span<byte_t, N> looking into the passed buffer.
auto | viewAsByteArray (const auto &aRange) -> auto |
auto | getRandom (size_t bytes) |
template<size_t SizeN> |
auto | getRandom () |
QUOTIENT_API void | fillFromSecureRng (std::span< byte_t > bytes) |
| Fill the buffer with the securely generated random bytes.
QUOTIENT_API bool | verifyIdentitySignature (const DeviceKeys &deviceKeys, const QString &deviceId, const QString &userId) |
QUOTIENT_API bool | ed25519VerifySignature (const QString &signingKey, const QJsonObject &obj, const QString &signature) |
| checks if the signature is signed by the signing_key
QDebug & | operator<< (QDebug &d, const TimelineItem &ti) |
std::partial_ordering | operator<=> (const Tag &lhs, const Tag &rhs) |
bool | operator== (const Tag &lhs, const Tag &rhs) |
| DEFINE_SIMPLE_EVENT (ReadMarkerEvent, Event, "m.fully_read", QString, eventId, "event_id") DEFINE_SIMPLE_EVENT(IgnoredUsersEvent |
template<EventClass EventT> |
bool | is (const Event &e) |
bool | operator== (const AbstractEventMetaType &lhs, const AbstractEventMetaType &rhs) |
template<EventClass EventT, typename... ArgTs> |
event_ptr_tt< EventT > | makeEvent (ArgTs &&... args) |
| Create an event of arbitrary type from its arguments.
template<EventClass EventT> |
constexpr const auto & | mostSpecificMetaType () |
template<EventClass EventT> |
event_ptr_tt< EventT > | loadEvent (const QJsonObject &fullJson) |
| Create an event with proper type from a JSON object.
template<EventClass EventT> |
event_ptr_tt< EventT > | loadEvent (const QString &matrixType, const auto &... otherBasicJsonParams) |
| Create an event from a type string and content JSON.
template<EventClass EventT, typename BasePtrT > |
auto | eventCast (const BasePtrT &eptr) -> decltype(static_cast< EventT * >(std::to_address(eptr))) |
| Cast the event pointer down in a type-safe way.
template<EventClass EventT, typename BaseEventT > |
auto | eventCast (event_ptr_tt< BaseEventT > &&eptr) |
| Cast the event pointer down in a type-safe way, with moving.
template<EventClass BaseT, typename TailT > |
auto | switchOnType (const BaseT &event, TailT &&tail) |
template<typename FnT1 , typename... FnTs> |
auto | switchOnType (const EventClass auto &event, FnT1 &&fn1, FnTs &&... fns) |
QUOTIENT_API std::pair< EncryptedFileMetadata, QByteArray > | encryptFile (const QByteArray &plainText) |
QUOTIENT_API QByteArray | decryptFile (const QByteArray &ciphertext, const EncryptedFileMetadata &metadata) |
QUOTIENT_API QUrl | getUrlFromSourceInfo (const FileSourceInfo &fsi) |
QUOTIENT_API void | setUrlInSourceInfo (FileSourceInfo &fsi, const QUrl &newUrl) |
template<> |
void | fillJson (QJsonObject &, const FileSourceInfo &)=delete |
QUOTIENT_API void | fillJson (QJsonObject &jo, const FileSourceInfoKeys &jsonKeys, const FileSourceInfo &fsi) |
| Export FileSourceInfo to a JSON object.
QUOTIENT_API FileSourceInfo | fileSourceInfoFromJson (const QJsonObject &jo, const FileSourceInfoKeys &jsonKeys) |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API EventsWithReceipts | fromJson (const QJsonObject &json) |
QUOTIENT_API QJsonObject | toJson (const EventsWithReceipts &ewrs) |
template<> |
EventContent::AliasesEventContent | fromJson (const QJsonObject &jo) |
template<> |
auto | toJson (const EventContent::AliasesEventContent &c) |
QUOTIENT_API bool | isStateEvent (const QString &eventTypeId) |
| Determine whether a given event type is that of a state event.
template<> |
EventContent::AllowCondition | fromJson (const QJsonObject &jo) |
template<> |
auto | toJson (const EventContent::AllowCondition &c) |
template<> |
EventContent::JoinRuleContent | fromJson (const QJsonObject &jo) |
template<> |
auto | toJson (const EventContent::JoinRuleContent &c) |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::TextContent > () const |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::LocationContent > () const |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::FileContentBase > () const |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::FileContent > () const |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::ImageContent > () const |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::AudioContent > () const |
template<> |
QUOTIENT_API bool | RoomMessageEvent::has< EventContent::VideoContent > () const |
| DEFINE_SIMPLE_STATE_EVENT (RoomTopicEvent, "m.room.topic", QString, topic, "topic") DEFINE_SIMPLE_STATE_EVENT(RoomPinnedEventsEvent |
QUOTIENT_API QDebug | operator<< (QDebug dbg, const EventStats &es) |
bool QUOTIENT_API | isJobPending (BaseJob *job) |
template<std::derived_from< BaseJob > JobT>
requires requires { doCollectResponse<JobT>(job); } |
auto | collectResponse (JobT *job) |
| Get a job response in a single structure.
template<std::derived_from< BaseJob > JobT> |
| JobHandle (JobT *) -> JobHandle< JobT > |
auto | collectResponse (const MediaThumbnailJob *j) |
template<typename SmartSlotT > |
auto | connectUntil (auto *sender, auto signal, QObject *context, SmartSlotT &&smartSlot, Qt::ConnectionType connType=Qt::AutoConnection) |
| Create a connection that self-disconnects when its slot returns true.
template<typename ContextT , typename SlotT > |
auto | connectSingleShot (auto *sender, auto signal, ContextT *context, SlotT slot, Qt::ConnectionType connType=Qt::AutoConnection) |
| Create a connection that self-disconnects after triggering on the signal.
template<typename RangeT , typename ValT , typename ProjT = std::identity>
requires std::indirectly_comparable<std::ranges::iterator_t<RangeT>, const ValT*, std::ranges::equal_to, ProjT> |
auto | findIndex (const RangeT &range, const ValT &value, ProjT proj={}) |
| An indexOf() alternative for any range.
template<class TargetT , typename SourceT > |
constexpr auto | rangeTo (SourceT &&sourceRange) |
| A replacement of std::ranges::to() while toolchains catch up.
constexpr auto | rangeContains (const auto &c, const auto &v, auto proj) |
void | swap (ReadReceipt &lhs, ReadReceipt &rhs) |
template<template< class > class ContT> |
ContT< RoomMember >::size_type | lowerBoundMemberIndex (const ContT< RoomMember > &c, const auto &v, MemberSorter ms={}) |
template<template< class > class ContT> |
ContT< QString >::size_type | lowerBoundMemberIndex (const ContT< QString > &c, const auto &v, const Room *r, MemberSorter ms={}) |
auto | memberMatcher (auto substr, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) |
| A factory to get a functional object matching room members against a substring.
QUOTIENT_API QDebug | operator<< (QDebug dbg, const RoomSummary &rs) |
QDebug | operator<< (QDebug dhg, const DevicesList &devicesList) |
QUOTIENT_API UriResolveResult | visitResource (Connection *account, const Uri &uri, std::function< UriResolveResult(User *, QString)> userHandler, std::function< void(Room *, QString)> roomEventHandler, std::function< void(Connection *, QString, QStringList)> joinHandler, std::function< bool(const QUrl &)> nonMatrixHandler) |
| Resolve the resource and invoke an action on it, via function objects.
UriResolveResult | checkResource (Connection *account, const Uri &uri) |
| Check that the resource is resolvable with no action on it.
bool | alarmX (bool alarmCondition, const auto &msg, std::source_location loc=std::source_location::current()) |
auto | makeReadyVoidFuture () |
| A substitute for QtFuture::makeReadyVoidFuture() for compatibility with Qt pre-6.6.
template<typename T > |
auto | makeReadyValueFuture (T &&value) |
| A substitute for QtFuture::makeReadyValueFuture() for compatibility with Qt pre-6.6.
| QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS (template< typename U > asKeyValueRange(U &) -> asKeyValueRange< U & >;template< typename U > asKeyValueRange(U &&) -> asKeyValueRange< U >;) template< typename InputIt |
Pred std::pair< InputIt, ForwardIt > | findFirstOf (InputIt first, InputIt last, ForwardIt sFirst, ForwardIt sLast, Pred pred) |
template<typename ImplType , typename TypeToDelete = ImplType, typename... ArgTs> |
ImplPtr< ImplType, TypeToDelete > | makeImpl (ArgTs &&... args) |
| make_unique for ImplPtr
template<typename ImplType , typename TypeToDelete = ImplType> |
ImplPtr< ImplType, TypeToDelete > | acquireImpl (ImplType *from) |
template<typename ImplType , typename TypeToDelete = ImplType> |
constexpr ImplPtr< ImplType, TypeToDelete > | ZeroImpl () |
template<typename T > |
auto | makeCStruct (T *(*constructor)(void *), size_t(*sizeFn)(), auto destructor) |
| Create a C structure with pre-programmed deletion logic.
template<typename... FunctorTs> |
| Overloads (FunctorTs &&...) -> Overloads< FunctorTs... > |
QUOTIENT_API void | linkifyUrls (QString &htmlEscapedText) |
QUOTIENT_API QString | sanitized (const QString &plainText) |
QUOTIENT_API QString | prettyPrint (const QString &plainText) |
QUOTIENT_API QString | cacheLocation (QStringView dirName) |
QUOTIENT_API qreal | stringToHueF (const QString &s) |
QUOTIENT_API QString | serverPart (const QString &mxId) |
QUOTIENT_API QString | versionString () |
QUOTIENT_API int | majorVersion () |
QUOTIENT_API int | minorVersion () |
QUOTIENT_API int | patchVersion () |
QDebug | formatJson (QDebug dbg) |
| QDebug manipulator to setup the stream for JSON output.
QDebug | terse (QDebug dbg) |
| Suppress full qualification of enums/QFlags when logging.
template<typename FnT > |
auto | lift (FnT &&fn, auto &&... args) |
| Lift an operation into dereferenceable types (std::optional or pointers)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
requires std::is_assignable_v<T1&, const T2&> |
constexpr bool | merge (T1 &lhs, const std::optional< T2 > &rhs) |
| Merge the value from an optional.
template<typename StructT > |
constexpr size_t | mergeStruct (StructT &lhs, const StructT &rhs, const auto... fields) |
| Merge structure-like types.
QUOTIENT_API bool | isGuestUserId (const UserId &uId) |