A Qt library for building matrix clients
Go to the documentation of this file.
3 #pragma once
5 #include <Quotient/csapi/definitions/public_rooms_response.h>
7 #include <Quotient/jobs/basejob.h>
9 namespace Quotient {
11 //! \brief Gets the visibility of a room in the directory
12 //!
13 //! Gets the visibility of a given room on the server's public room directory.
14 class QUOTIENT_API GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob : public BaseJob {
15 public:
16  //! \param roomId
17  //! The room ID.
18  explicit GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob(const QString& roomId);
20  //! \brief Construct a URL without creating a full-fledged job object
21  //!
22  //! This function can be used when a URL for GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob
23  //! is necessary but the job itself isn't.
24  static QUrl makeRequestUrl(const HomeserverData& hsData, const QString& roomId);
26  // Result properties
28  //! The visibility of the room in the directory.
29  QString visibility() const { return loadFromJson<QString>("visibility"_L1); }
30 };
32 inline auto collectResponse(const GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob* job)
33 {
34  return job->visibility();
35 }
37 //! \brief Sets the visibility of a room in the room directory
38 //!
39 //! Sets the visibility of a given room in the server's public room
40 //! directory.
41 //!
42 //! Servers may choose to implement additional access control checks
43 //! here, for instance that room visibility can only be changed by
44 //! the room creator or a server administrator.
45 class QUOTIENT_API SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob : public BaseJob {
46 public:
47  //! \param roomId
48  //! The room ID.
49  //!
50  //! \param visibility
51  //! The new visibility setting for the room.
52  //! Defaults to 'public'.
53  explicit SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob(const QString& roomId, const QString& visibility = {});
54 };
56 //! \brief Lists the public rooms on the server.
57 //!
58 //! Lists the public rooms on the server.
59 //!
60 //! This API returns paginated responses. The rooms are ordered by the number
61 //! of joined members, with the largest rooms first.
62 class QUOTIENT_API GetPublicRoomsJob : public BaseJob {
63 public:
64  //! \param limit
65  //! Limit the number of results returned.
66  //!
67  //! \param since
68  //! A pagination token from a previous request, allowing clients to
69  //! get the next (or previous) batch of rooms.
70  //! The direction of pagination is specified solely by which token
71  //! is supplied, rather than via an explicit flag.
72  //!
73  //! \param server
74  //! The server to fetch the public room lists from. Defaults to the
75  //! local server. Case sensitive.
76  explicit GetPublicRoomsJob(std::optional<int> limit = std::nullopt, const QString& since = {},
77  const QString& server = {});
79  //! \brief Construct a URL without creating a full-fledged job object
80  //!
81  //! This function can be used when a URL for GetPublicRoomsJob
82  //! is necessary but the job itself isn't.
83  static QUrl makeRequestUrl(const HomeserverData& hsData, std::optional<int> limit = std::nullopt,
84  const QString& since = {}, const QString& server = {});
86  // Result properties
88  //! A paginated chunk of public rooms.
89  QVector<PublicRoomsChunk> chunk() const
90  {
91  return loadFromJson<QVector<PublicRoomsChunk>>("chunk"_L1);
92  }
94  //! A pagination token for the response. The absence of this token
95  //! means there are no more results to fetch and the client should
96  //! stop paginating.
97  QString nextBatch() const { return loadFromJson<QString>("next_batch"_L1); }
99  //! A pagination token that allows fetching previous results. The
100  //! absence of this token means there are no results before this
101  //! batch, i.e. this is the first batch.
102  QString prevBatch() const { return loadFromJson<QString>("prev_batch"_L1); }
104  //! An estimate on the total number of public rooms, if the
105  //! server has an estimate.
106  std::optional<int> totalRoomCountEstimate() const
107  {
108  return loadFromJson<std::optional<int>>("total_room_count_estimate"_L1);
109  }
111  struct Response {
112  //! A paginated chunk of public rooms.
113  QVector<PublicRoomsChunk> chunk{};
115  //! A pagination token for the response. The absence of this token
116  //! means there are no more results to fetch and the client should
117  //! stop paginating.
118  QString nextBatch{};
120  //! A pagination token that allows fetching previous results. The
121  //! absence of this token means there are no results before this
122  //! batch, i.e. this is the first batch.
123  QString prevBatch{};
125  //! An estimate on the total number of public rooms, if the
126  //! server has an estimate.
127  std::optional<int> totalRoomCountEstimate{};
128  };
129 };
131 template <std::derived_from<GetPublicRoomsJob> JobT>
132 constexpr inline auto doCollectResponse<JobT> = [](JobT* j) -> GetPublicRoomsJob::Response {
133  return { j->chunk(), j->nextBatch(), j->prevBatch(), j->totalRoomCountEstimate() };
134 };
136 //! \brief Lists the public rooms on the server with optional filter.
137 //!
138 //! Lists the public rooms on the server, with optional filter.
139 //!
140 //! This API returns paginated responses. The rooms are ordered by the number
141 //! of joined members, with the largest rooms first.
142 class QUOTIENT_API QueryPublicRoomsJob : public BaseJob {
143 public:
144  // Inner data structures
146  //! Filter to apply to the results.
147  struct QUOTIENT_API Filter {
148  //! An optional string to search for in the room metadata, e.g. name,
149  //! topic, canonical alias, etc.
150  QString genericSearchTerm{};
152  //! An optional list of [room types](/client-server-api/#types) to search
153  //! for. To include rooms without a room type, specify `null` within this
154  //! list. When not specified, all applicable rooms (regardless of type)
155  //! are returned.
156  QStringList roomTypes{};
157  };
159  // Construction/destruction
161  //! \param server
162  //! The server to fetch the public room lists from. Defaults to the
163  //! local server. Case sensitive.
164  //!
165  //! \param limit
166  //! Limit the number of results returned.
167  //!
168  //! \param since
169  //! A pagination token from a previous request, allowing clients
170  //! to get the next (or previous) batch of rooms. The direction
171  //! of pagination is specified solely by which token is supplied,
172  //! rather than via an explicit flag.
173  //!
174  //! \param filter
175  //! Filter to apply to the results.
176  //!
177  //! \param includeAllNetworks
178  //! Whether or not to include all known networks/protocols from
179  //! application services on the homeserver. Defaults to false.
180  //!
181  //! \param thirdPartyInstanceId
182  //! The specific third-party network/protocol to request from the
183  //! homeserver. Can only be used if `include_all_networks` is false.
184  explicit QueryPublicRoomsJob(const QString& server = {},
185  std::optional<int> limit = std::nullopt, const QString& since = {},
186  const std::optional<Filter>& filter = std::nullopt,
187  std::optional<bool> includeAllNetworks = std::nullopt,
188  const QString& thirdPartyInstanceId = {});
190  // Result properties
192  //! A paginated chunk of public rooms.
193  QVector<PublicRoomsChunk> chunk() const
194  {
195  return loadFromJson<QVector<PublicRoomsChunk>>("chunk"_L1);
196  }
198  //! A pagination token for the response. The absence of this token
199  //! means there are no more results to fetch and the client should
200  //! stop paginating.
201  QString nextBatch() const { return loadFromJson<QString>("next_batch"_L1); }
203  //! A pagination token that allows fetching previous results. The
204  //! absence of this token means there are no results before this
205  //! batch, i.e. this is the first batch.
206  QString prevBatch() const { return loadFromJson<QString>("prev_batch"_L1); }
208  //! An estimate on the total number of public rooms, if the
209  //! server has an estimate.
210  std::optional<int> totalRoomCountEstimate() const
211  {
212  return loadFromJson<std::optional<int>>("total_room_count_estimate"_L1);
213  }
215  struct Response {
216  //! A paginated chunk of public rooms.
217  QVector<PublicRoomsChunk> chunk{};
219  //! A pagination token for the response. The absence of this token
220  //! means there are no more results to fetch and the client should
221  //! stop paginating.
222  QString nextBatch{};
224  //! A pagination token that allows fetching previous results. The
225  //! absence of this token means there are no results before this
226  //! batch, i.e. this is the first batch.
227  QString prevBatch{};
229  //! An estimate on the total number of public rooms, if the
230  //! server has an estimate.
231  std::optional<int> totalRoomCountEstimate{};
232  };
233 };
235 template <std::derived_from<QueryPublicRoomsJob> JobT>
236 constexpr inline auto doCollectResponse<JobT> = [](JobT* j) -> QueryPublicRoomsJob::Response {
237  return { j->chunk(), j->nextBatch(), j->prevBatch(), j->totalRoomCountEstimate() };
238 };
240 template <>
241 struct QUOTIENT_API JsonObjectConverter<QueryPublicRoomsJob::Filter> {
242  static void dumpTo(QJsonObject& jo, const QueryPublicRoomsJob::Filter& pod)
243  {
244  addParam<IfNotEmpty>(jo, "generic_search_term"_L1, pod.genericSearchTerm);
245  addParam<IfNotEmpty>(jo, "room_types"_L1, pod.roomTypes);
246  }
247 };
249 } // namespace Quotient