A Qt library for building matrix clients
No Matches
Quotient::Connection Class Reference

#include <connection.h>

Inheritance diagram for Quotient::Connection:
Collaboration diagram for Quotient::Connection:


struct  SupportedRoomVersion

Public Types

enum  RoomVisibility { PublishRoom , UnpublishRoom }
using UsersToDevicesToContent = QHash< QString, QHash< QString, QJsonObject > >

Public Slots

void loginWithPassword (const QString &userId, const QString &password, const QString &initialDeviceName, const QString &deviceId={})
 Log in using a username and password pair.
void loginWithToken (const QString &loginToken, const QString &initialDeviceName, const QString &deviceId={})
 Log in using a login token.
void assumeIdentity (const QString &mxId, const QString &deviceId, const QString &accessToken)
 Use an existing access token to connect to the homeserver.
JobHandle< GetVersionsJobloadVersions ()
 Request supported spec versions from the homeserver.
JobHandle< GetCapabilitiesJobloadCapabilities ()
 Request capabilities and room versions from the server.
void reloadCapabilities ()
QFuture< voidlogout ()
void sync (int timeout=-1)
void syncLoop (int timeout=SyncJob::defaultTimeoutMillis)
void stopSync ()
virtual MediaThumbnailJobgetThumbnail (const QString &mediaId, QSize requestedSize, RunningPolicy policy=BackgroundRequest)
MediaThumbnailJobgetThumbnail (const QUrl &url, QSize requestedSize, RunningPolicy policy=BackgroundRequest)
MediaThumbnailJobgetThumbnail (const QUrl &url, int requestedWidth, int requestedHeight, RunningPolicy policy=BackgroundRequest)
JobHandle< UploadContentJobuploadContent (QIODevice *contentSource, const QString &filename={}, const QString &overrideContentType={})
JobHandle< UploadContentJobuploadFile (const QString &fileName, const QString &overrideContentType={})
BaseJobgetContent (const QString &mediaId)
BaseJobgetContent (const QUrl &url)
DownloadFileJobdownloadFile (const QUrl &url, const QString &localFilename={})
DownloadFileJobdownloadFile (const QUrl &url, const EncryptedFileMetadata &fileMetadata, const QString &localFilename={})
JobHandle< CreateRoomJobcreateRoom (RoomVisibility visibility, const QString &alias, const QString &name, const QString &topic, QStringList invites, const QString &presetName={}, const QString &roomVersion={}, bool isDirect=false, const QVector< CreateRoomJob::StateEvent > &initialState={}, const QVector< CreateRoomJob::Invite3pid > &invite3pids={}, const QJsonObject &creationContent={})
 Create a room (generic method)
void requestDirectChat (const QString &userId)
 Get a direct chat with a single user.
ForgetRoomJobforgetRoom (const QString &id)
 Send /forget to the server and delete room locally.
SendToDeviceJobsendToDevices (const QString &eventType, const UsersToDevicesToContent &contents)
SendMessageJobsendMessage (const QString &roomId, const RoomEvent &event)
virtual LeaveRoomJobleaveRoom (Room *room)
Quotient::KeyVerificationSessionstartKeyVerificationSession (const QString &userId, const QString &deviceId)
Q_INVOKABLE void startSelfVerification ()
void encryptionUpdate (const Room *room, const QStringList &invitedIds={})
static ConnectionmakeMockConnection (const QString &mxId, bool enableEncryption=true)


void resolveError (QString error)
 Initial server resolution has failed.
void homeserverChanged (QUrl baseUrl)
void loginFlowsChanged ()
void capabilitiesLoaded ()
void connected ()
void loggedOut ()
void stateChanged ()
 Login data or state have changed.
void isOnlineChanged ()
 The online state has changed.
void loginError (QString message, QString details)
void requestFailed (Quotient::BaseJob *request)
 A network request (job) started by callApi() has failed.
void networkError (QString message, QString details, int retriesTaken, int nextRetryInMilliseconds)
 A network request (job) failed due to network problems.
void syncDone ()
void syncError (QString message, QString details)
void newUser (Quotient::User *user)
void newRoom (Quotient::Room *room)
 A new room object has been created.
void invitedRoom (Quotient::Room *room, Quotient::Room *prev)
 A room invitation is seen for the first time.
void joinedRoom (Quotient::Room *room, Quotient::Room *prev)
 A joined room is seen for the first time.
void leftRoom (Quotient::Room *room, Quotient::Room *prev)
 A room has just been left.
void aboutToDeleteRoom (Quotient::Room *room)
 The room object is about to be deleted.
void createdRoom (Quotient::Room *room)
 The room has just been created by createRoom or requestDirectChat.
void loadedRoomState (Quotient::Room *room)
 The first sync for the room has been completed.
void accountDataChanged (QString type)
 Account data (except direct chats) have changed.
void directChatAvailable (Quotient::Room *directChat)
 The direct chat room is ready for using.
void directChatsListChanged (Quotient::DirectChatsMap additions, Quotient::DirectChatsMap removals)
 The list of direct chats has changed.
void ignoredUsersListChanged (Quotient::IgnoredUsersList additions, Quotient::IgnoredUsersList removals)
void cacheStateChanged ()
void lazyLoadingChanged ()
void turnServersChanged (const QJsonObject &servers)
void devicesListLoaded ()
void encryptionChanged (bool enabled)
 Encryption has been enabled or disabled.
void directChatsEncryptionChanged (bool enabled)
void newKeyVerificationSession (Quotient::KeyVerificationSession *session)
void keyVerificationStateChanged (const Quotient::KeyVerificationSession *session, Quotient::KeyVerificationSession::State state)
void sessionVerified (const QString &userId, const QString &deviceId)
void finishedQueryingKeys ()
void secretReceived (const QString &requestId, const QString &secret)
void userVerified (const QString &userId)
void crossSigningSetupRequired ()
void ready ()

Public Member Functions

 Connection (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 Connection (const QUrl &server, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~Connection () override
Q_INVOKABLE QVector< Quotient::Room * > allRooms () const
 Get all rooms known within this Connection.
Q_INVOKABLE QVector< Quotient::Room * > rooms (Quotient::JoinStates joinStates) const
 Get rooms that have either of the given join state(s)
Q_INVOKABLE int roomsCount (Quotient::JoinStates joinStates) const
 Get the total number of rooms in the given join state(s)
bool hasAccountData (const QString &type) const
 Check whether the account has data of the given type.
const EventPtraccountData (const QString &type) const
 Get a generic account data event of the given type.
template<EventClass EventT>
const EventTaccountData () const
 Get an account data event of the given type.
template<EventClass EventT>
const EventTaccountData (const QString &keyName) const
Q_INVOKABLE QJsonObject accountDataJson (const QString &type) const
 Get account data as a JSON object.
void setAccountData (EventPtr &&event)
 Set a generic account data event of the given type.
Q_INVOKABLE void setAccountData (const QString &type, const QJsonObject &content)
QStringList accountDataEventTypes () const
 Lists the types of account data that exist for this connection;.
QHash< QString, QVector< Room * > > tagsToRooms () const
 Get all Invited and Joined rooms grouped by tag.
QStringList tagNames () const
 Get all room tags known on this connection.
QVector< Room * > roomsWithTag (const QString &tagName) const
 Get the list of rooms with the specified tag.
void addToDirectChats (const Room *room, const QString &userId)
 Mark the room as a direct chat with the user.
void removeFromDirectChats (const QString &roomId, const QString &userId={})
 Unmark the room from direct chats.
bool isDirectChat (const QString &roomId) const
 Check whether the room id corresponds to a direct chat.
DirectChatsMap directChats () const
 Get the whole map from users to direct chat rooms.
QList< QStringdirectChatMemberIds (const Room *room) const
 Retrieve the list of member IDs the room is a direct chat with.
Q_INVOKABLE bool isIgnored (const QString &userId) const
 Check whether a particular user id is in the ignore list.
Q_INVOKABLE bool isIgnored (const Quotient::User *user) const
 Check whether a particular user is in the ignore list.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::IgnoredUsersList ignoredUsers () const
 Get the whole list of ignored users.
Q_INVOKABLE void addToIgnoredUsers (const QString &userId)
 Add the user to the ignore list The change signal is emitted synchronously, without waiting to complete synchronisation with the server.
Q_INVOKABLE void removeFromIgnoredUsers (const QString &userId)
 Remove the user from the ignore list.
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList userIds () const
 Get the entire list of users known to the current user on this homeserver.
QUrl homeserver () const
 Get the base URL of the homeserver to connect to.
QString domain () const
 Get the domain name used for ids/aliases on the server.
bool isUsable () const
 Check if the homeserver is known to be reachable and working.
QVector< GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlowloginFlows () const
 Get the list of supported login flows.
Q_INVOKABLE std::optional< LoginFlowgetLoginFlow (const QString &flowType) const
 Get the login flow of a given type.
bool supportsPasswordAuth () const
 Check whether the current homeserver supports password auth.
bool supportsSso () const
 Check whether the current homeserver supports SSO.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Roomroom (const QString &roomId, Quotient::JoinStates states=JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join) const
 Find a room by its id and a mask of applicable states.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::RoomroomByAlias (const QString &roomAlias, Quotient::JoinStates states=JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join) const
 Find a room by its alias and a mask of applicable states.
void updateRoomAliases (const QString &roomId, const QStringList &previousRoomAliases, const QStringList &roomAliases)
 Update the internal map of room aliases to IDs.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Roominvitation (const QString &roomId) const
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Useruser (const QString &uId)
const Useruser () const
Useruser ()
QString userId () const
AvataruserAvatar (const QUrl &avatarUrl)
 Get an avatar object for the given user ID and media ID.
AvataruserAvatar (const QString &avatarMediaId)
 Get an avatar object for the given user ID and media ID.
QString deviceId () const
QByteArray accessToken () const
bool isLoggedIn () const
bool isOnline () const
 Whether the connection is successfully syncing with the server.
QOlmAccountolmAccount () const
Databasedatabase () const
std::unordered_map< QByteArray, QOlmInboundGroupSessionloadRoomMegolmSessions (const Room *room) const
void saveMegolmSession (const Room *room, const QOlmInboundGroupSession &session, const QByteArray &senderKey, const QByteArray &senderEdKey) const
QString edKeyForUserDevice (const QString &userId, const QString &deviceId) const
QString curveKeyForUserDevice (const QString &userId, const QString &device) const
bool hasOlmSession (const QString &user, const QString &deviceId) const
void sendToDevice (const QString &targetUserId, const QString &targetDeviceId, const Event &event, bool encrypted)
bool isVerifiedSession (const QByteArray &megolmSessionId) const
 Returns true if this megolm session comes from a verified device.
bool isVerifiedDevice (const QString &userId, const QString &deviceId) const
 Returns whether the device is verified.
bool isKnownE2eeCapableDevice (const QString &userId, const QString &deviceId) const
 Returns whether the device is known and supports end-to-end encryption.
void sendSessionKeyToDevices (const QString &roomId, const QOlmOutboundGroupSession &outboundSession, const QMultiHash< QString, QString > &devices)
QJsonObject decryptNotification (const QJsonObject &notification)
QStringList devicesForUser (const QString &userId) const
Q_INVOKABLE bool isQueryingKeys () const
QFuture< QByteArray > requestKeyFromDevices (event_type_t name)
QString masterKeyForUser (const QString &userId) const
Q_INVOKABLE bool isUserVerified (const QString &userId) const
Q_INVOKABLE bool allSessionsSelfVerified (const QString &userId) const
bool hasConflictingDeviceIdsAndCrossSigningKeys (const QString &userId)
void reloadDevices ()
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::SyncJobsyncJob () const
Q_INVOKABLE QString nextBatchToken () const
Q_INVOKABLE int millisToReconnect () const
Q_INVOKABLE void getTurnServers ()
Q_INVOKABLE bool capabilitiesReady () const
 Find out if homeserver capabilites have been loaded.
Q_INVOKABLE bool loadingCapabilities () const
QStringList supportedMatrixSpecVersions () const
 Get the list of Matrix CS API spec versions supported by the homeserver.
QString defaultRoomVersion () const
 Get the room version recommended by the server.
QStringList stableRoomVersions () const
 Get the room version considered stable by the server.
QVector< SupportedRoomVersionavailableRoomVersions () const
 Get all room versions supported by the server Only works after server capabilities have been loaded.
bool canChangePassword () const
bool encryptionEnabled () const
 Check whether encryption is enabled on this connection.
void enableEncryption (bool enable)
 Enable or disable encryption on this connection.
bool directChatEncryptionEnabled () const
 Check whether encryption is enabled for new direct chats on this connection.
void enableDirectChatEncryption (bool enable)
 Enable or disable whether new direct chats are encrypted on this connection.
Q_INVOKABLE void loadState ()
 Load room state from a previously saved file.
Q_INVOKABLE void saveState () const
 Save the current state for all rooms to a file.
void saveRoomState (Room *r) const
 This method saves the current state of a single room.
Q_INVOKABLE QString stateCachePath () const
 Get the default directory path to save the room state to.
QDir stateCacheDir () const
 Get the default directory to save the room state to.
bool cacheState () const
 Whether or not the rooms state should be cached locally.
void setCacheState (bool newValue)
bool lazyLoading () const
void setLazyLoading (bool newValue)
Q_INVOKABLE BaseJobrun (BaseJob *job, RunningPolicy runningPolicy=ForegroundRequest)
 Start a pre-created job object on this connection.
template<std::derived_from< BaseJob > JobT>
requires (!std::same_as<JobT, BaseJob>)
JobHandle< JobT > run (JobT *job, RunningPolicy runningPolicy=ForegroundRequest)
 Start a pre-created job on this connection and get a job handle to it.
template<typename JobT , typename... JobArgTs>
JobHandle< JobT > callApi (RunningPolicy runningPolicy, JobArgTs &&... jobArgs)
 Start a job of a given type with specified arguments and policy.
template<typename JobT , typename... JobArgTs>
JobHandle< JobT > callApi (JobArgTs &&... jobArgs)
 Start a job of a specified type with specified arguments.
template<typename JobT , typename... JobArgTs>
QUrl getUrlForApi (JobArgTs &&... jobArgs) const
 Get a request URL for a job with specified type and arguments.
Q_INVOKABLE SsoSessionprepareForSso (const QString &initialDeviceName, const QString &deviceId={})
 Start a local HTTP server and generate a single sign-on URL.
Q_INVOKABLE QString generateTxnId () const
 Generate a new transaction id.
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl makeMediaUrl (QUrl mxcUrl) const
 Convert an mxc: URL into a CS API URL.
Q_INVOKABLE bool roomSucceeds (const QString &maybePredecessorId, const QString &maybeSuccessorId) const
Q_INVOKABLE void resolveServer (const QString &mxid)
 Determine and set the homeserver from MXID.
Q_INVOKABLE QFuture< QList< LoginFlow > > setHomeserver (const QUrl &baseUrl)
 Set the homeserver base URL and retrieve its login flows.
Q_INVOKABLE QFuture< Room * > getDirectChat (const QString &otherUserId)
 Get a future to a direct chat with the user.
Q_INVOKABLE JobHandle< CreateRoomJobcreateDirectChat (const QString &userId, const QString &topic={}, const QString &name={})
Q_INVOKABLE JobHandle< JoinRoomJobjoinRoom (const QString &roomAlias, const QStringList &serverNames={})
Q_INVOKABLE QFuture< Room * > joinAndGetRoom (const QString &roomAlias, const QStringList &serverNames={})

Static Public Member Functions

static void setEncryptionDefault (bool useByDefault)
 Set the E2EE default state for any Connection created further.
static void setDirectChatEncryptionDefault (bool useByDefault)
 Set the direct chat E2EE default state for any Connection created further.
static void setRoomFactory (room_factory_t f)
 Set a room factory function.
static void setUserFactory (user_factory_t f)
 Set a user factory function.
static room_factory_t roomFactory ()
 Get a room factory function.
static user_factory_t userFactory ()
 Get a user factory function.
template<typename T >
static void setRoomType ()
 Set the room factory to default with the overriden room type.
template<typename T >
static void setUserType ()
 Set the user factory to default with the overriden user type.

Protected Slots

void syncLoopIteration ()

Protected Member Functions

const ConnectionDataconnectionData () const
 Access the underlying ConnectionData class.
HomeserverData homeserverData () const
 Get the homeserver data necessary to construct network requests.
RoomprovideRoom (const QString &id, std::optional< JoinState > joinState={})
 Get a Room object for the given id in the given state.
void onSyncSuccess (SyncData &&data, bool fromCache=false)
 Process sync data from a successful sync request.


QString localUserId
QString domain
QString deviceId
QByteArray accessToken
bool isLoggedIn
bool isOnline
QString defaultRoomVersion
QUrl homeserver
QVector< GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlowloginFlows
bool isUsable
bool supportsSso
bool supportsPasswordAuth
bool cacheState
bool lazyLoading
bool canChangePassword
bool encryptionEnabled
bool directChatEncryptionEnabled
QStringList accountDataEventTypes


class ::TestCrossSigning

Detailed Description

Definition at line 126 of file connection.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ UsersToDevicesToContent

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RoomVisibility


Definition at line 152 of file connection.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Connection() [1/2]

Quotient::Connection::Connection ( QObject *  parent = nullptr)

◆ Connection() [2/2]

Quotient::Connection::Connection ( const QUrl &  server,
QObject *  parent = nullptr 

◆ ~Connection()

Quotient::Connection::~Connection ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ aboutToDeleteRoom

void Quotient::Connection::aboutToDeleteRoom ( Quotient::Room room)

The room object is about to be deleted.

◆ accessToken()

QByteArray Quotient::Connection::accessToken ( ) const

◆ accountData() [1/3]

template<EventClass EventT>
const EventT * Quotient::Connection::accountData ( ) const

Get an account data event of the given type.

the account data content for the given event type stored on the server, or a default-constructed object if there's none of that type.
Direct chats map cannot be retrieved using this method yet; use directChats() instead.

Definition at line 205 of file connection.h.

◆ accountData() [2/3]

template<EventClass EventT>
const EventT * Quotient::Connection::accountData ( const QString keyName) const

Definition at line 212 of file connection.h.

◆ accountData() [3/3]

const EventPtr & Quotient::Connection::accountData ( const QString type) const

Get a generic account data event of the given type.

an account data event of the given type stored on the server, or nullptr if there's none of that type.
Direct chats map cannot be retrieved using this method yet; use directChats() instead.

◆ accountDataChanged

void Quotient::Connection::accountDataChanged ( QString  type)

Account data (except direct chats) have changed.

◆ accountDataEventTypes()

QStringList Quotient::Connection::accountDataEventTypes ( ) const

Lists the types of account data that exist for this connection;.

◆ accountDataJson()

Q_INVOKABLE QJsonObject Quotient::Connection::accountDataJson ( const QString type) const

Get account data as a JSON object.

This returns the content part of the account data event of the given type. Direct chats map cannot be retrieved using this method yet; use directChats() instead.

◆ addToDirectChats()

void Quotient::Connection::addToDirectChats ( const Room room,
const QString userId 

Mark the room as a direct chat with the user.

This function marks room as a direct chat with userId. Emits the signal synchronously, without waiting to complete synchronisation with the server.

See also

◆ addToIgnoredUsers()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::addToIgnoredUsers ( const QString userId)

Add the user to the ignore list The change signal is emitted synchronously, without waiting to complete synchronisation with the server.

See also

◆ allRooms()

Q_INVOKABLE QVector< Quotient::Room * > Quotient::Connection::allRooms ( ) const

Get all rooms known within this Connection.

This includes Invite, Join and Leave rooms, in no particular order.

Leave rooms will only show up in the list if they have been left in the same running session. The library doesn't cache left rooms between runs and it doesn't retrieve the full list of left rooms from the server.
See also
rooms, room, roomsWithTag

◆ allSessionsSelfVerified()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::allSessionsSelfVerified ( const QString userId) const

◆ assumeIdentity

void Quotient::Connection::assumeIdentity ( const QString mxId,
const QString deviceId,
const QString accessToken 

Use an existing access token to connect to the homeserver.

Similar to loginWithPassword(), this method checks that the homeserver URL is valid and tries to resolve it from the MXID in case it is not.


◆ availableRoomVersions()

QVector< SupportedRoomVersion > Quotient::Connection::availableRoomVersions ( ) const

Get all room versions supported by the server Only works after server capabilities have been loaded.

See also

◆ cacheState()

bool Quotient::Connection::cacheState ( ) const

Whether or not the rooms state should be cached locally.

See also
loadState, saveState

◆ cacheStateChanged

void Quotient::Connection::cacheStateChanged ( )

◆ callApi() [1/2]

template<typename JobT , typename... JobArgTs>
JobHandle< JobT > Quotient::Connection::callApi ( JobArgTs &&...  jobArgs)

Start a job of a specified type with specified arguments.

This is an overload that runs the job with "foreground" policy.

Definition at line 556 of file connection.h.

◆ callApi() [2/2]

template<typename JobT , typename... JobArgTs>
JobHandle< JobT > Quotient::Connection::callApi ( RunningPolicy  runningPolicy,
JobArgTs &&...  jobArgs 

Start a job of a given type with specified arguments and policy.

This is a universal method to create and start a job of a type passed as a template parameter. The policy allows to fine-tune the way the job is executed - as of this writing it means a choice between "foreground" and "background".

runningPolicycontrols how the job is executed
jobArgsarguments to the job constructor
See also
BaseJob::isBackground. QNetworkRequest::BackgroundRequestAttribute

Definition at line 547 of file connection.h.

◆ canChangePassword()

bool Quotient::Connection::canChangePassword ( ) const

Indicate if the user can change its password from the client. This is often not the case when SSO is enabled.

See also

◆ capabilitiesLoaded

void Quotient::Connection::capabilitiesLoaded ( )

◆ capabilitiesReady()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::capabilitiesReady ( ) const

Find out if homeserver capabilites have been loaded.

◆ connected

void Quotient::Connection::connected ( )

◆ connectionData()

const ConnectionData * Quotient::Connection::connectionData ( ) const

Access the underlying ConnectionData class.

◆ createDirectChat()

Q_INVOKABLE JobHandle< CreateRoomJob > Quotient::Connection::createDirectChat ( const QString userId,
const QString topic = {},
const QString name = {} 

Create a direct chat with a single user, optional name and topic

A room will always be created, unlike in requestDirectChat. It is advised to use requestDirectChat as a default way of getting one-on-one with a person, and only use createDirectChat when a new creation is explicitly desired.

◆ createdRoom

void Quotient::Connection::createdRoom ( Quotient::Room room)

The room has just been created by createRoom or requestDirectChat.

This signal is not emitted in usual room state transitions, only as an outcome of room creation operations invoked by the client.

requestDirectChat doesn't necessarily create a new chat; directChatAvailable() is more appropriate if you need to obtain a direct chat room after requestDirectChat().

◆ createRoom

JobHandle< CreateRoomJob > Quotient::Connection::createRoom ( RoomVisibility  visibility,
const QString alias,
const QString name,
const QString topic,
QStringList  invites,
const QString presetName = {},
const QString roomVersion = {},
bool  isDirect = false,
const QVector< CreateRoomJob::StateEvent > &  initialState = {},
const QVector< CreateRoomJob::Invite3pid > &  invite3pids = {},
const QJsonObject creationContent = {} 

Create a room (generic method)

This method allows to customize room entirely to your liking, providing all the attributes the original CS API provides.

◆ crossSigningSetupRequired

void Quotient::Connection::crossSigningSetupRequired ( )

The account does not yet have cross-signing keys. The client should ask the user whether to create them now and then set them up, if desired.

◆ curveKeyForUserDevice()

QString Quotient::Connection::curveKeyForUserDevice ( const QString userId,
const QString device 
) const

◆ database()

Database * Quotient::Connection::database ( ) const

◆ decryptNotification()

QJsonObject Quotient::Connection::decryptNotification ( const QJsonObject notification)

◆ defaultRoomVersion()

QString Quotient::Connection::defaultRoomVersion ( ) const

Get the room version recommended by the server.

Only works after server capabilities have been loaded.

See also

◆ deviceId()

QString Quotient::Connection::deviceId ( ) const

◆ devicesForUser()

QStringList Quotient::Connection::devicesForUser ( const QString userId) const

◆ devicesListLoaded

void Quotient::Connection::devicesListLoaded ( )

◆ directChatAvailable

void Quotient::Connection::directChatAvailable ( Quotient::Room directChat)

The direct chat room is ready for using.

This signal is emitted upon any successful outcome from requestDirectChat.

◆ directChatEncryptionEnabled()

bool Quotient::Connection::directChatEncryptionEnabled ( ) const

Check whether encryption is enabled for new direct chats on this connection.

This has no effect if the library is compiled without E2EE support
See also

◆ directChatMemberIds()

QList< QString > Quotient::Connection::directChatMemberIds ( const Room room) const

Retrieve the list of member IDs the room is a direct chat with.

The list of member IDs for which this room is marked as a direct chat; an empty list if the room is not a direct chat

◆ directChats()

DirectChatsMap Quotient::Connection::directChats ( ) const

Get the whole map from users to direct chat rooms.

◆ directChatsEncryptionChanged

void Quotient::Connection::directChatsEncryptionChanged ( bool  enabled)

◆ directChatsListChanged

void Quotient::Connection::directChatsListChanged ( Quotient::DirectChatsMap  additions,
Quotient::DirectChatsMap  removals 

The list of direct chats has changed.

This signal is emitted every time when the mapping of users to direct chat rooms is changed (because of either local updates or a different list arrived from the server).

◆ domain()

QString Quotient::Connection::domain ( ) const

Get the domain name used for ids/aliases on the server.

◆ downloadFile [1/2]

DownloadFileJob * Quotient::Connection::downloadFile ( const QUrl &  url,
const EncryptedFileMetadata fileMetadata,
const QString localFilename = {} 

◆ downloadFile [2/2]

DownloadFileJob * Quotient::Connection::downloadFile ( const QUrl &  url,
const QString localFilename = {} 

◆ edKeyForUserDevice()

QString Quotient::Connection::edKeyForUserDevice ( const QString userId,
const QString deviceId 
) const

◆ enableDirectChatEncryption()

void Quotient::Connection::enableDirectChatEncryption ( bool  enable)

Enable or disable whether new direct chats are encrypted on this connection.

This has no effect if the library is compiled without E2EE support
See also

◆ enableEncryption()

void Quotient::Connection::enableEncryption ( bool  enable)

Enable or disable encryption on this connection.

This has no effect if the library is compiled without E2EE support
See also

◆ encryptionChanged

void Quotient::Connection::encryptionChanged ( bool  enabled)

Encryption has been enabled or disabled.

◆ encryptionEnabled()

bool Quotient::Connection::encryptionEnabled ( ) const

Check whether encryption is enabled on this connection.

See also

◆ encryptionUpdate

void Quotient::Connection::encryptionUpdate ( const Room room,
const QStringList invitedIds = {} 

◆ finishedQueryingKeys

void Quotient::Connection::finishedQueryingKeys ( )

◆ forgetRoom

ForgetRoomJob * Quotient::Connection::forgetRoom ( const QString id)

Send /forget to the server and delete room locally.

This method is in Connection, not in Room, since it's a room lifecycle operation, and Connection is an acting room manager. It ensures that the local user is not a member of a room (running /leave, if necessary) then issues a /forget request and if that one doesn't fail deletion of the local Room object is ensured.

idthe room id to forget
the ongoing /forget request to the server; note that the success() signal of this request is connected to deleteLater() of a respective room so by the moment this finishes, there might be no Room object anymore.

◆ generateTxnId()

Q_INVOKABLE QString Quotient::Connection::generateTxnId ( ) const

Generate a new transaction id.

Transaction id's are unique within a single Connection object

◆ getContent [1/2]

BaseJob * Quotient::Connection::getContent ( const QString mediaId)

◆ getContent [2/2]

BaseJob * Quotient::Connection::getContent ( const QUrl &  url)

◆ getDirectChat()

Q_INVOKABLE QFuture< Room * > Quotient::Connection::getDirectChat ( const QString otherUserId)

Get a future to a direct chat with the user.

◆ getLoginFlow()

Q_INVOKABLE std::optional< LoginFlow > Quotient::Connection::getLoginFlow ( const QString flowType) const

Get the login flow of a given type.

◆ getThumbnail [1/3]

virtual MediaThumbnailJob * Quotient::Connection::getThumbnail ( const QString mediaId,
QSize  requestedSize,
RunningPolicy  policy = BackgroundRequest 

◆ getThumbnail [2/3]

MediaThumbnailJob * Quotient::Connection::getThumbnail ( const QUrl &  url,
int  requestedWidth,
int  requestedHeight,
RunningPolicy  policy = BackgroundRequest 

◆ getThumbnail [3/3]

MediaThumbnailJob * Quotient::Connection::getThumbnail ( const QUrl &  url,
QSize  requestedSize,
RunningPolicy  policy = BackgroundRequest 

◆ getTurnServers()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::getTurnServers ( )

◆ getUrlForApi()

template<typename JobT , typename... JobArgTs>
QUrl Quotient::Connection::getUrlForApi ( JobArgTs &&...  jobArgs) const

Get a request URL for a job with specified type and arguments.

This calls JobT::makeRequestUrl() prepending the connection's homeserver to the list of arguments.

Definition at line 566 of file connection.h.

◆ hasAccountData()

bool Quotient::Connection::hasAccountData ( const QString type) const

Check whether the account has data of the given type.

Direct chats map is not supported by this method yet.

◆ hasConflictingDeviceIdsAndCrossSigningKeys()

bool Quotient::Connection::hasConflictingDeviceIdsAndCrossSigningKeys ( const QString userId)

◆ hasOlmSession()

bool Quotient::Connection::hasOlmSession ( const QString user,
const QString deviceId 
) const

◆ homeserver()

QUrl Quotient::Connection::homeserver ( ) const

Get the base URL of the homeserver to connect to.

◆ homeserverChanged

void Quotient::Connection::homeserverChanged ( QUrl  baseUrl)

◆ homeserverData()

HomeserverData Quotient::Connection::homeserverData ( ) const

Get the homeserver data necessary to construct network requests.

◆ ignoredUsers()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::IgnoredUsersList Quotient::Connection::ignoredUsers ( ) const

Get the whole list of ignored users.

◆ ignoredUsersListChanged

void Quotient::Connection::ignoredUsersListChanged ( Quotient::IgnoredUsersList  additions,
Quotient::IgnoredUsersList  removals 

◆ invitation()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Room * Quotient::Connection::invitation ( const QString roomId) const

◆ invitedRoom

void Quotient::Connection::invitedRoom ( Quotient::Room room,
Quotient::Room prev 

A room invitation is seen for the first time.

If the same room is in Left state, it's passed in prev. Beware that initial sync will trigger this signal for all rooms in Invite state.

◆ isDirectChat()

bool Quotient::Connection::isDirectChat ( const QString roomId) const

Check whether the room id corresponds to a direct chat.

◆ isIgnored() [1/2]

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::isIgnored ( const QString userId) const

Check whether a particular user id is in the ignore list.

◆ isIgnored() [2/2]

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::isIgnored ( const Quotient::User user) const

Check whether a particular user is in the ignore list.

◆ isKnownE2eeCapableDevice()

bool Quotient::Connection::isKnownE2eeCapableDevice ( const QString userId,
const QString deviceId 
) const

Returns whether the device is known and supports end-to-end encryption.

This might give unexpected results for users we're not tracking, i.e., users that we don't share an encrypted room with

◆ isLoggedIn()

bool Quotient::Connection::isLoggedIn ( ) const

◆ isOnline()

bool Quotient::Connection::isOnline ( ) const

Whether the connection is successfully syncing with the server.

true, if the last sync was successful, false otherwise.

◆ isOnlineChanged

void Quotient::Connection::isOnlineChanged ( )

The online state has changed.

◆ isQueryingKeys()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::isQueryingKeys ( ) const

◆ isUsable()

bool Quotient::Connection::isUsable ( ) const

Check if the homeserver is known to be reachable and working.

◆ isUserVerified()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::isUserVerified ( const QString userId) const

◆ isVerifiedDevice()

bool Quotient::Connection::isVerifiedDevice ( const QString userId,
const QString deviceId 
) const

Returns whether the device is verified.

◆ isVerifiedSession()

bool Quotient::Connection::isVerifiedSession ( const QByteArray &  megolmSessionId) const

Returns true if this megolm session comes from a verified device.

◆ joinAndGetRoom()

Q_INVOKABLE QFuture< Room * > Quotient::Connection::joinAndGetRoom ( const QString roomAlias,
const QStringList serverNames = {} 

◆ joinedRoom

void Quotient::Connection::joinedRoom ( Quotient::Room room,
Quotient::Room prev 

A joined room is seen for the first time.

It's not the same as receiving a room in "join" section of sync response (rooms will be there even after joining); it's also not (exactly) the same as actual joining action of a user (all rooms coming in initial sync will trigger this signal too). If this room was in Invite state before, the respective object is passed in prev (and it will be deleted shortly afterwards).

◆ joinRoom()

Q_INVOKABLE JobHandle< JoinRoomJob > Quotient::Connection::joinRoom ( const QString roomAlias,
const QStringList serverNames = {} 

◆ keyVerificationStateChanged

void Quotient::Connection::keyVerificationStateChanged ( const Quotient::KeyVerificationSession session,
Quotient::KeyVerificationSession::State  state 

◆ lazyLoading()

bool Quotient::Connection::lazyLoading ( ) const

◆ lazyLoadingChanged

void Quotient::Connection::lazyLoadingChanged ( )

◆ leaveRoom

virtual LeaveRoomJob * Quotient::Connection::leaveRoom ( Room room)
Do not use this directly, use Room::leaveRoom() instead

◆ leftRoom

void Quotient::Connection::leftRoom ( Quotient::Room room,
Quotient::Room prev 

A room has just been left.

If this room has been in Invite state (as in case of rejecting an invitation), the respective object will be passed in prev (and will be deleted shortly afterwards). Note that, similar to invitedRoom and joinedRoom, this signal is triggered for all Left rooms upon initial sync (not only those that were left right before the sync).

◆ loadCapabilities

JobHandle< GetCapabilitiesJob > Quotient::Connection::loadCapabilities ( )

Request capabilities and room versions from the server.

◆ loadedRoomState

void Quotient::Connection::loadedRoomState ( Quotient::Room room)

The first sync for the room has been completed.

This signal is emitted after the room has been synced the first time. This is the right signal to connect to if you need to access the room state (name, aliases, members); state transition signals (newRoom, joinedRoom etc.) come earlier, when the room has just been created.

◆ loadingCapabilities()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::loadingCapabilities ( ) const

◆ loadRoomMegolmSessions()

std::unordered_map< QByteArray, QOlmInboundGroupSession > Quotient::Connection::loadRoomMegolmSessions ( const Room room) const

◆ loadState()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::loadState ( )

Load room state from a previously saved file.

Call this before first sync.

See also

◆ loadVersions

JobHandle< GetVersionsJob > Quotient::Connection::loadVersions ( )

Request supported spec versions from the homeserver.

This call does not obtain room versions - use loadCapabilities() for that.

◆ loggedOut

void Quotient::Connection::loggedOut ( )

◆ loginError

void Quotient::Connection::loginError ( QString  message,
QString  details 

◆ loginFlows()

QVector< GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlow > Quotient::Connection::loginFlows ( ) const

Get the list of supported login flows.

◆ loginFlowsChanged

void Quotient::Connection::loginFlowsChanged ( )

◆ loginWithPassword

void Quotient::Connection::loginWithPassword ( const QString userId,
const QString password,
const QString initialDeviceName,
const QString deviceId = {} 

Log in using a username and password pair.

Before logging in, this method checks if the homeserver is valid and supports the password login flow. If the homeserver is invalid but a full user MXID is provided, this method calls resolveServer() using this MXID.

See also
resolveServer, resolveError, loginError

◆ loginWithToken

void Quotient::Connection::loginWithToken ( const QString loginToken,
const QString initialDeviceName,
const QString deviceId = {} 

Log in using a login token.

One usual case for this method is the final stage of logging in via SSO. Unlike loginWithPassword() and assumeIdentity(), this method cannot resolve the server from the user name because the full user MXID is encoded in the login token. Callers should ensure the homeserver sanity in advance.

◆ logout

QFuture< void > Quotient::Connection::logout ( )

◆ makeMediaUrl()

Q_INVOKABLE QUrl Quotient::Connection::makeMediaUrl ( QUrl  mxcUrl) const

Convert an mxc: URL into a CS API URL.

◆ makeMockConnection

static Connection * Quotient::Connection::makeMockConnection ( const QString mxId,
bool  enableEncryption = true 

◆ masterKeyForUser()

QString Quotient::Connection::masterKeyForUser ( const QString userId) const

◆ millisToReconnect()

Q_INVOKABLE int Quotient::Connection::millisToReconnect ( ) const

◆ networkError

void Quotient::Connection::networkError ( QString  message,
QString  details,
int  retriesTaken,
int  nextRetryInMilliseconds 

A network request (job) failed due to network problems.

This is only emitted when the job will retry on its own; once it gives up, requestFailed() will be emitted.

messagemessage about the network problem
detailsraw error details, if any available
retriesTakenhow many retries have already been taken
nextRetryInMillisecondswhen the job will retry again (-1 if no next retry is scheduled)

◆ newKeyVerificationSession

void Quotient::Connection::newKeyVerificationSession ( Quotient::KeyVerificationSession session)

◆ newRoom

void Quotient::Connection::newRoom ( Quotient::Room room)

A new room object has been created.

\group Signals emitted on room transitions

Note: Rooms in Invite state are always stored separately from rooms in Join/Leave state, because of special treatment of invite_state in Matrix CS API (see The Spec on /sync for details). Therefore, objects below are: r - room in Join/Leave state; i - room in Invite state

  1. none -> Invite: newRoom(r), invitedRoom(r,nullptr)
  2. none -> Join: newRoom(r), joinedRoom(r,nullptr)
  3. none -> Leave: newRoom(r), leftRoom(r,nullptr)
  4. Invite -> Join: newRoom(r), joinedRoom(r,i), aboutToDeleteRoom(i) 4a. Leave and Invite -> Join: joinedRoom(r,i), aboutToDeleteRoom(i)
  5. Invite -> Leave: newRoom(r), leftRoom(r,i), aboutToDeleteRoom(i) 5a. Leave and Invite -> Leave: leftRoom(r,i), aboutToDeleteRoom(i)
  6. Join -> Leave: leftRoom(r)
  7. Leave -> Invite: newRoom(i), invitedRoom(i,r)
  8. Leave -> Join: joinedRoom(r) The following transitions are only possible via forgetRoom() so far; if a room gets forgotten externally, sync won't tell about it:
  9. any -> none: as any -> Leave, then aboutToDeleteRoom(r)

◆ newUser

void Quotient::Connection::newUser ( Quotient::User user)

◆ nextBatchToken()

Q_INVOKABLE QString Quotient::Connection::nextBatchToken ( ) const

◆ olmAccount()

QOlmAccount * Quotient::Connection::olmAccount ( ) const

◆ onSyncSuccess()

void Quotient::Connection::onSyncSuccess ( SyncData &&  data,
bool  fromCache = false 

Process sync data from a successful sync request.

◆ prepareForSso()

Q_INVOKABLE SsoSession * Quotient::Connection::prepareForSso ( const QString initialDeviceName,
const QString deviceId = {} 

Start a local HTTP server and generate a single sign-on URL.

This call does the preparatory steps to carry out single sign-on sequence

See also
A proxy object holding two URLs: one for SSO on the chosen homeserver and another for the local callback address. Normally you won't need the callback URL unless you proxy the response with a custom UI. You do not need to delete the SsoSession object; the Connection that issued it will dispose of it once the login sequence completes (with any outcome).

◆ provideRoom()

Room * Quotient::Connection::provideRoom ( const QString id,
std::optional< JoinState joinState = {} 

Get a Room object for the given id in the given state.

Use this method when you need a Room object in the local list of rooms, with the given state. Note that this does not interact with the server; in particular, does not automatically create rooms on the server. This call performs necessary join state transitions; e.g., if it finds a room in Invite but joinState == JoinState::Join then the Invite room object will be deleted and a new room object with Join state created. In contrast, switching between Join and Leave happens within the same object.

idroom id (not alias!)
joinStatedesired (target) join state of the room; if omitted, any state will be found and return unchanged, or a new Join room created.
a pointer to a Room object with the specified id and the specified state; nullptr if roomId is empty or if roomFactory() failed to create a Room object.

◆ ready

void Quotient::Connection::ready ( )

The connection is ready to be used. Most notably, the fundamental e2ee data is loaded. This does not mean that the server was reached, a sync was performed, or the state cache was loaded.

◆ reloadCapabilities

void Quotient::Connection::reloadCapabilities ( )

◆ reloadDevices()

void Quotient::Connection::reloadDevices ( )

◆ removeFromDirectChats()

void Quotient::Connection::removeFromDirectChats ( const QString roomId,
const QString userId = {} 

Unmark the room from direct chats.

This function removes the room id from direct chats either for a specific user or for all users if userId is empty. The room id is used to allow removal of, e.g., ids of forgotten rooms; a Room object need not exist. Emits the signal immediately, without waiting to complete synchronisation with the server.

See also

◆ removeFromIgnoredUsers()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::removeFromIgnoredUsers ( const QString userId)

Remove the user from the ignore list.

Similar to adding, the change signal is emitted synchronously.

See also

◆ requestDirectChat

void Quotient::Connection::requestDirectChat ( const QString userId)

Get a direct chat with a single user.

This method may return synchronously or asynchoronously depending on whether a direct chat room with the respective person exists already.

See also

◆ requestFailed

void Quotient::Connection::requestFailed ( Quotient::BaseJob request)

A network request (job) started by callApi() has failed.

requestthe pointer to the failed job
See also

◆ requestKeyFromDevices()

QFuture< QByteArray > Quotient::Connection::requestKeyFromDevices ( event_type_t  name)

◆ resolveError

void Quotient::Connection::resolveError ( QString  error)

Initial server resolution has failed.

This signal is emitted when resolveServer() did not manage to resolve the homeserver using its .well-known/client record or otherwise.

See also

◆ resolveServer()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::resolveServer ( const QString mxid)

Determine and set the homeserver from MXID.

This attempts to resolve the homeserver by requesting .well-known/matrix/client record from the server taken from the MXID serverpart. If there is no record found, the serverpart itself is attempted as the homeserver base URL; if the record is there but is malformed (e.g., the homeserver base URL cannot be found in it) resolveError() is emitted and further processing stops. Otherwise, setHomeserver is called, preparing the Connection object for the login attempt.

mxiduser Matrix ID, such as
See also
setHomeserver, homeserverChanged, loginFlowsChanged, resolveError

◆ room()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Room * Quotient::Connection::room ( const QString roomId,
Quotient::JoinStates  states = JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join 
) const

Find a room by its id and a mask of applicable states.

◆ roomByAlias()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Room * Quotient::Connection::roomByAlias ( const QString roomAlias,
Quotient::JoinStates  states = JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join 
) const

Find a room by its alias and a mask of applicable states.

◆ roomFactory()

static room_factory_t Quotient::Connection::roomFactory ( )

Get a room factory function.

◆ rooms()

Q_INVOKABLE QVector< Quotient::Room * > Quotient::Connection::rooms ( Quotient::JoinStates  joinStates) const

Get rooms that have either of the given join state(s)

This method returns, in no particular order, rooms which join state matches the mask passed in joinStates.

Similar to allRooms(), this won't retrieve the full list of Leave rooms from the server.
See also
allRooms, room, roomsWithTag

◆ roomsCount()

Q_INVOKABLE int Quotient::Connection::roomsCount ( Quotient::JoinStates  joinStates) const

Get the total number of rooms in the given join state(s)

◆ roomSucceeds()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Connection::roomSucceeds ( const QString maybePredecessorId,
const QString maybeSuccessorId 
) const

◆ roomsWithTag()

QVector< Room * > Quotient::Connection::roomsWithTag ( const QString tagName) const

Get the list of rooms with the specified tag.

◆ run() [1/2]

Q_INVOKABLE BaseJob * Quotient::Connection::run ( BaseJob job,
RunningPolicy  runningPolicy = ForegroundRequest 

Start a pre-created job object on this connection.

◆ run() [2/2]

template<std::derived_from< BaseJob > JobT>
requires (!std::same_as<JobT, BaseJob>)
JobHandle< JobT > Quotient::Connection::run ( JobT *  job,
RunningPolicy  runningPolicy = ForegroundRequest 

Start a pre-created job on this connection and get a job handle to it.

This is a template overload for run(BaseJob*, RunningPolicy) - if you call run() on any derived job (99% of the cases when you're going to call it), this overload will be chosen as a more type-safe and feature-rich version. It's not Q_INVOKABLE though.

Definition at line 528 of file connection.h.

◆ saveMegolmSession()

void Quotient::Connection::saveMegolmSession ( const Room room,
const QOlmInboundGroupSession session,
const QByteArray &  senderKey,
const QByteArray &  senderEdKey 
) const

◆ saveRoomState()

void Quotient::Connection::saveRoomState ( Room r) const

This method saves the current state of a single room.

◆ saveState()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::saveState ( ) const

Save the current state for all rooms to a file.

This method saves the current state of rooms (but not messages in them) to a local cache file, so that it could be loaded by loadState() on a next run of the client.

See also

◆ secretReceived

void Quotient::Connection::secretReceived ( const QString requestId,
const QString secret 

◆ sendMessage

SendMessageJob * Quotient::Connection::sendMessage ( const QString roomId,
const RoomEvent event 

◆ sendSessionKeyToDevices()

void Quotient::Connection::sendSessionKeyToDevices ( const QString roomId,
const QOlmOutboundGroupSession outboundSession,
const QMultiHash< QString, QString > &  devices 

◆ sendToDevice()

void Quotient::Connection::sendToDevice ( const QString targetUserId,
const QString targetDeviceId,
const Event event,
bool  encrypted 

◆ sendToDevices

SendToDeviceJob * Quotient::Connection::sendToDevices ( const QString eventType,
const UsersToDevicesToContent contents 

◆ sessionVerified

void Quotient::Connection::sessionVerified ( const QString userId,
const QString deviceId 

◆ setAccountData() [1/2]

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::setAccountData ( const QString type,
const QJsonObject content 

◆ setAccountData() [2/2]

void Quotient::Connection::setAccountData ( EventPtr &&  event)

Set a generic account data event of the given type.

◆ setCacheState()

void Quotient::Connection::setCacheState ( bool  newValue)

◆ setDirectChatEncryptionDefault()

static void Quotient::Connection::setDirectChatEncryptionDefault ( bool  useByDefault)

Set the direct chat E2EE default state for any Connection created further.

◆ setEncryptionDefault()

static void Quotient::Connection::setEncryptionDefault ( bool  useByDefault)

Set the E2EE default state for any Connection created further.

◆ setHomeserver()

Q_INVOKABLE QFuture< QList< LoginFlow > > Quotient::Connection::setHomeserver ( const QUrl &  baseUrl)

Set the homeserver base URL and retrieve its login flows.

See also
LoginFlowsJob, loginFlows, loginFlowsChanged, homeserverChanged

◆ setLazyLoading()

void Quotient::Connection::setLazyLoading ( bool  newValue)

◆ setRoomFactory()

static void Quotient::Connection::setRoomFactory ( room_factory_t  f)

Set a room factory function.

◆ setRoomType()

template<typename T >
static void Quotient::Connection::setRoomType ( )

Set the room factory to default with the overriden room type.

Definition at line 616 of file connection.h.

◆ setUserFactory()

static void Quotient::Connection::setUserFactory ( user_factory_t  f)

Set a user factory function.

◆ setUserType()

template<typename T >
static void Quotient::Connection::setUserType ( )

Set the user factory to default with the overriden user type.

Definition at line 623 of file connection.h.

◆ stableRoomVersions()

QStringList Quotient::Connection::stableRoomVersions ( ) const

Get the room version considered stable by the server.

Only works after server capabilities have been loaded.

See also

◆ startKeyVerificationSession

Quotient::KeyVerificationSession * Quotient::Connection::startKeyVerificationSession ( const QString userId,
const QString deviceId 

◆ startSelfVerification

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Connection::startSelfVerification ( )

◆ stateCacheDir()

QDir Quotient::Connection::stateCacheDir ( ) const

Get the default directory to save the room state to.

This function returns the default directory to store the cached room state, defined as follows:

QStandardPaths::writeableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) +
_safeUserId + "_state.json"
A family of event meta-types to load and match events.
Definition event.h:99

where _safeUserId is userId() with : (colon) replaced by _ (underscore), as colons are reserved characters on Windows.

See also
loadState, saveState, stateCachePath

◆ stateCachePath()

Q_INVOKABLE QString Quotient::Connection::stateCachePath ( ) const

Get the default directory path to save the room state to.

See also

◆ stateChanged

void Quotient::Connection::stateChanged ( )

Login data or state have changed.

This is a common change signal for userId, deviceId and accessToken - these properties normally only change at a successful login and logout and are constant at other times.

◆ stopSync

void Quotient::Connection::stopSync ( )

◆ supportedMatrixSpecVersions()

QStringList Quotient::Connection::supportedMatrixSpecVersions ( ) const

Get the list of Matrix CS API spec versions supported by the homeserver.

◆ supportsPasswordAuth()

bool Quotient::Connection::supportsPasswordAuth ( ) const

Check whether the current homeserver supports password auth.

◆ supportsSso()

bool Quotient::Connection::supportsSso ( ) const

Check whether the current homeserver supports SSO.

◆ sync

void Quotient::Connection::sync ( int  timeout = -1)

◆ syncDone

void Quotient::Connection::syncDone ( )

◆ syncError

void Quotient::Connection::syncError ( QString  message,
QString  details 

◆ syncJob()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::SyncJob * Quotient::Connection::syncJob ( ) const

◆ syncLoop

void Quotient::Connection::syncLoop ( int  timeout = SyncJob::defaultTimeoutMillis)

◆ syncLoopIteration

void Quotient::Connection::syncLoopIteration ( )

◆ tagNames()

QStringList Quotient::Connection::tagNames ( ) const

Get all room tags known on this connection.

◆ tagsToRooms()

QHash< QString, QVector< Room * > > Quotient::Connection::tagsToRooms ( ) const

Get all Invited and Joined rooms grouped by tag.

a hashmap from tag name to a vector of room pointers, sorted by their order in the tag - details are at

◆ turnServersChanged

void Quotient::Connection::turnServersChanged ( const QJsonObject servers)

◆ updateRoomAliases()

void Quotient::Connection::updateRoomAliases ( const QString roomId,
const QStringList previousRoomAliases,
const QStringList roomAliases 

Update the internal map of room aliases to IDs.

This is used to maintain the internal index of room aliases. It does NOT change aliases on the server,

See also

◆ uploadContent

JobHandle< UploadContentJob > Quotient::Connection::uploadContent ( QIODevice contentSource,
const QString filename = {},
const QString overrideContentType = {} 

◆ uploadFile

JobHandle< UploadContentJob > Quotient::Connection::uploadFile ( const QString fileName,
const QString overrideContentType = {} 

◆ user() [1/3]

User * Quotient::Connection::user ( )

◆ user() [2/3]

const User * Quotient::Connection::user ( ) const

◆ user() [3/3]

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::User * Quotient::Connection::user ( const QString uId)

◆ userAvatar() [1/2]

Avatar & Quotient::Connection::userAvatar ( const QString avatarMediaId)

Get an avatar object for the given user ID and media ID.

◆ userAvatar() [2/2]

Avatar & Quotient::Connection::userAvatar ( const QUrl &  avatarUrl)

Get an avatar object for the given user ID and media ID.

◆ userFactory()

static user_factory_t Quotient::Connection::userFactory ( )

Get a user factory function.

◆ userId()

QString Quotient::Connection::userId ( ) const

◆ userIds()

Q_INVOKABLE QStringList Quotient::Connection::userIds ( ) const

Get the entire list of users known to the current user on this homeserver.

Be mindful that this can easily count thousands or tens of thousands, and use sparingly; when in a room context, always use Room::members() instead

◆ userVerified

void Quotient::Connection::userVerified ( const QString userId)

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ ::TestCrossSigning

friend class ::TestCrossSigning

Definition at line 965 of file connection.h.

Property Documentation

◆ accessToken

QByteArray Quotient::Connection::accessToken

Definition at line 133 of file connection.h.

◆ accountDataEventTypes

QStringList Quotient::Connection::accountDataEventTypes

Definition at line 147 of file connection.h.

◆ cacheState

bool Quotient::Connection::cacheState

Definition at line 142 of file connection.h.

◆ canChangePassword

bool Quotient::Connection::canChangePassword

Definition at line 144 of file connection.h.

◆ defaultRoomVersion

QString Quotient::Connection::defaultRoomVersion

Definition at line 136 of file connection.h.

◆ deviceId

QString Quotient::Connection::deviceId

Definition at line 132 of file connection.h.

◆ directChatEncryptionEnabled

bool Quotient::Connection::directChatEncryptionEnabled

Definition at line 146 of file connection.h.

◆ domain

QString Quotient::Connection::domain

Definition at line 131 of file connection.h.

◆ encryptionEnabled

bool Quotient::Connection::encryptionEnabled

Definition at line 145 of file connection.h.

◆ homeserver

QUrl Quotient::Connection::homeserver

Definition at line 137 of file connection.h.

◆ isLoggedIn

bool Quotient::Connection::isLoggedIn

Definition at line 134 of file connection.h.

◆ isOnline

bool Quotient::Connection::isOnline

Definition at line 135 of file connection.h.

◆ isUsable

bool Quotient::Connection::isUsable

Definition at line 139 of file connection.h.

◆ lazyLoading

bool Quotient::Connection::lazyLoading

Definition at line 143 of file connection.h.

◆ localUser

User* Quotient::Connection::localUser

Definition at line 129 of file connection.h.

◆ localUserId

QString Quotient::Connection::localUserId

Definition at line 130 of file connection.h.

◆ loginFlows

QVector<GetLoginFlowsJob::LoginFlow> Quotient::Connection::loginFlows

Definition at line 138 of file connection.h.

◆ supportsPasswordAuth

bool Quotient::Connection::supportsPasswordAuth

Definition at line 141 of file connection.h.

◆ supportsSso

bool Quotient::Connection::supportsSso

Definition at line 140 of file connection.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: