#include <basejob.h>
Inherits QObject.
Inherited by Quotient::Add3PIDJob, Quotient::BanJob, Quotient::Bind3PIDJob, Quotient::ChangePasswordJob, Quotient::CheckUsernameAvailabilityJob, Quotient::ClaimKeysJob, Quotient::CreateContentJob, Quotient::CreateRoomJob, Quotient::DeactivateAccountJob, Quotient::DefineFilterJob, Quotient::Delete3pidFromAccountJob, Quotient::DeleteDeviceJob, Quotient::DeleteDevicesJob, Quotient::DeletePushRuleJob, Quotient::DeleteRoomAliasJob, Quotient::DeleteRoomKeyBySessionIdJob, Quotient::DeleteRoomKeysByRoomIdJob, Quotient::DeleteRoomKeysJob, Quotient::DeleteRoomKeysVersionJob, Quotient::DeleteRoomTagJob, Quotient::DownloadFileJob, Quotient::ForgetRoomJob, Quotient::GenerateLoginTokenJob, Quotient::GetAccount3PIDsJob, Quotient::GetAccountDataJob, Quotient::GetAccountDataPerRoomJob, Quotient::GetAvatarUrlJob, Quotient::GetCapabilitiesJob, Quotient::GetConfigAuthedJob, Quotient::GetConfigJob, Quotient::GetContentAuthedJob, Quotient::GetContentJob, Quotient::GetContentOverrideNameAuthedJob, Quotient::GetContentOverrideNameJob, Quotient::GetContentThumbnailAuthedJob, Quotient::GetContentThumbnailJob, Quotient::GetDeviceJob, Quotient::GetDevicesJob, Quotient::GetDisplayNameJob, Quotient::GetEventByTimestampJob, Quotient::GetEventContextJob, Quotient::GetFilterJob, Quotient::GetJoinedMembersByRoomJob, Quotient::GetJoinedRoomsJob, Quotient::GetKeysChangesJob, Quotient::GetLocalAliasesJob, Quotient::GetLoginFlowsJob, Quotient::GetMembersByRoomJob, Quotient::GetNotificationsJob, Quotient::GetOneRoomEventJob, Quotient::GetPresenceJob, Quotient::GetProtocolMetadataJob, Quotient::GetProtocolsJob, Quotient::GetPublicRoomsJob, Quotient::GetPushRuleActionsJob, Quotient::GetPushRuleJob, Quotient::GetPushRulesGlobalJob, Quotient::GetPushRulesJob, Quotient::GetPushersJob, Quotient::GetRelatingEventsJob, Quotient::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeAndEventTypeJob, Quotient::GetRelatingEventsWithRelTypeJob, Quotient::GetRoomEventsJob, Quotient::GetRoomIdByAliasJob, Quotient::GetRoomKeyBySessionIdJob, Quotient::GetRoomKeysByRoomIdJob, Quotient::GetRoomKeysJob, Quotient::GetRoomKeysVersionCurrentJob, Quotient::GetRoomKeysVersionJob, Quotient::GetRoomStateJob, Quotient::GetRoomStateWithKeyJob, Quotient::GetRoomTagsJob, Quotient::GetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob, Quotient::GetSpaceHierarchyJob, Quotient::GetThreadRootsJob, Quotient::GetTokenOwnerJob, Quotient::GetTurnServerJob, Quotient::GetUrlPreviewAuthedJob, Quotient::GetUrlPreviewJob, Quotient::GetUserProfileJob, Quotient::GetVersionsJob, Quotient::GetWellknownJob, Quotient::GetWellknownSupportJob, Quotient::GetWhoIsJob, Quotient::InviteBy3PIDJob, Quotient::InviteUserJob, Quotient::IsPushRuleEnabledJob, Quotient::JoinRoomByIdJob, Quotient::JoinRoomJob, Quotient::KickJob, Quotient::KnockRoomJob, Quotient::LeaveRoomJob, Quotient::LoginJob, Quotient::LogoutAllJob, Quotient::LogoutJob, Quotient::MediaThumbnailJob, Quotient::PeekEventsJob, Quotient::Post3PIDsJob, Quotient::PostPusherJob, Quotient::PostReceiptJob, Quotient::PostRoomKeysVersionJob, Quotient::PutRoomKeyBySessionIdJob, Quotient::PutRoomKeysByRoomIdJob, Quotient::PutRoomKeysJob, Quotient::PutRoomKeysVersionJob, Quotient::QueryKeysJob, Quotient::QueryLocationByAliasJob, Quotient::QueryLocationByProtocolJob, Quotient::QueryPublicRoomsJob, Quotient::QueryUserByIDJob, Quotient::QueryUserByProtocolJob, Quotient::RedactEventJob, Quotient::RedirectToIdPJob, Quotient::RedirectToSSOJob, Quotient::RefreshJob, Quotient::RegisterJob, Quotient::RegistrationTokenValidityJob, Quotient::ReportContentJob, Quotient::RequestOpenIdTokenJob, Quotient::RequestTokenTo3PIDEmailJob, Quotient::RequestTokenTo3PIDMSISDNJob, Quotient::RequestTokenToRegisterEmailJob, Quotient::RequestTokenToRegisterMSISDNJob, Quotient::RequestTokenToResetPasswordEmailJob, Quotient::RequestTokenToResetPasswordMSISDNJob, Quotient::SearchJob, Quotient::SearchUserDirectoryJob, Quotient::SendMessageJob, Quotient::SendToDeviceJob, Quotient::SetAccountDataJob, Quotient::SetAccountDataPerRoomJob, Quotient::SetAvatarUrlJob, Quotient::SetDisplayNameJob, Quotient::SetPresenceJob, Quotient::SetPushRuleActionsJob, Quotient::SetPushRuleEnabledJob, Quotient::SetPushRuleJob, Quotient::SetReadMarkerJob, Quotient::SetRoomAliasJob, Quotient::SetRoomStateWithKeyJob, Quotient::SetRoomTagJob, Quotient::SetRoomVisibilityOnDirectoryJob, Quotient::SetTypingJob, Quotient::SyncJob, Quotient::UnbanJob, Quotient::Unbind3pidFromAccountJob, Quotient::UpdateAppserviceRoomDirectoryVisibilityJob, Quotient::UpdateDeviceJob, Quotient::UpgradeRoomJob, Quotient::UploadContentJob, Quotient::UploadContentToMXCJob, Quotient::UploadCrossSigningKeysJob, Quotient::UploadCrossSigningSignaturesJob, and Quotient::UploadKeysJob.
enum | StatusCode {
Success = 0
, NoError = Success
, Pending = 1
, WarningLevel = 20
UnexpectedResponseType = 21
, UnexpectedResponseTypeWarning = UnexpectedResponseType
, Unprepared = 25
, Abandoned = 50
ErrorLevel = 100
, NetworkError = 101
, Timeout
, Unauthorised
, NotFound
, IncorrectRequest
, IncorrectResponse
, RateLimited = TooManyRequests
, RequestNotImplemented
, UnsupportedRoomVersion
, UserConsentRequired
, CannotLeaveRoom
, UserDeactivated
, AccountLocked
, UserDefinedError = 256
} |
| Job status codes. More...
using | duration_ms_t = std::chrono::milliseconds::rep |
| BaseJob (HttpVerb verb, const QString &name, QByteArray endpoint, bool needsToken=true) |
| BaseJob (HttpVerb verb, const QString &name, QByteArray endpoint, const QUrlQuery &query, RequestData &&data={}, bool needsToken=true) |
QUrl | requestUrl () const |
bool | isBackground () const |
Status | status () const |
| Current status of the job.
QString | statusCaption () const |
| Short human-friendly message on the job status.
QByteArray | rawData (int bytesAtMost) const |
| Get first bytes of the raw response body as received from the server.
const QByteArray & | rawData () const |
| Access the whole response body as received from the server.
QString | rawDataSample (int bytesAtMost=65535) const |
| Get UI-friendly sample of raw data.
QJsonObject | jsonData () const |
| Get the response body as a JSON object.
QJsonArray | jsonItems () const |
| Get the response body as a JSON array.
template<typename T > |
T | loadFromJson (auto keyName, T &&defaultValue={}) const |
| Load the property from the JSON response assuming a given C++ type.
template<typename T > |
T | takeFromJson (auto key, T &&defaultValue={}) |
| Load the property from the JSON response and delete it from JSON.
int | error () const |
| Error (more generally, status) code.
virtual QString | errorString () const |
| Error-specific message, as returned by the server.
QUrl | errorUrl () const |
| A URL to help/clarify the error, if provided by the server.
int | maxRetries () const |
void | setMaxRetries (int newMaxRetries) |
JobBackoffStrategy | currentBackoffStrategy () const |
| Get the back-off strategy for this job instance.
void | setBackoffStrategy (JobBackoffStrategy strategy) |
| Set the back-off strategy for this specific job instance.
JobBackoffStrategy::duration_t | getCurrentTimeout () const |
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t | getCurrentTimeoutMs () const |
JobBackoffStrategy::duration_t | getNextRetryInterval () const |
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t | getNextRetryMs () const |
std::chrono::milliseconds | timeToRetry () const |
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t | millisToRetry () const |
Definition at line 34 of file basejob.h.
◆ duration_ms_t
◆ headers_t
◆ StatusCode
Job status codes.
Every job is created in Unprepared status; upon calling Connection::prepare(), if things are fine, it becomes Pending and remains so until the reply arrives; then the status code is set according to the job result. At any point in time the job can be abandon()ed, causing it to become Abandoned for a brief period before deletion.
Enumerator |
Success | |
NoError | |
Pending | |
WarningLevel | Warnings have codes starting from this.
UnexpectedResponseType | |
UnexpectedResponseTypeWarning | |
Unprepared | Initial job state is incomplete, hence warning level.
Abandoned | A tiny period between abandoning and object deletion.
ErrorLevel | Errors have codes starting from this.
NetworkError | |
Timeout | |
Unauthorised | |
ContentAccessError | |
NotFound | |
IncorrectRequest | |
IncorrectResponse | |
TooManyRequests | |
RateLimited | |
RequestNotImplemented | |
UnsupportedRoomVersion | |
NetworkAuthRequired | |
UserConsentRequired | |
CannotLeaveRoom | |
UserDeactivated | |
FileError | |
AccountLocked | |
UserDefinedError | |
Definition at line 54 of file basejob.h.
◆ BaseJob() [1/2]
◆ BaseJob() [2/2]
◆ ~BaseJob()
Quotient::BaseJob::~BaseJob |
( |
| ) |
overrideprotected |
◆ abandon
void Quotient::BaseJob::abandon |
( |
| ) |
slot |
Abandon the result of this job, arrived or unarrived.
This aborts waiting for a reply from the server (if there was any pending) and deletes the job object. No result signals (result, success, failure) are emitted, only finished() is.
◆ aboutToSendRequest
The job is about to send a network request.
This signal is emitted every time a network request is made (which can occur several times due to job retries). You can use it to change the request parameters (such as redirect policy) if necessary. If you need to set additional request headers or query items, do that using setRequestHeaders() and setRequestQuery() instead.
- Note
is not guaranteed to exist (i.e. it may point to garbage) unless this signal is handled via a DirectConnection (or BlockingQueuedConnection if in another thread), i.e., synchronously.
- See also
- setRequestHeaders, setRequestQuery
◆ addExpectedContentType()
void Quotient::BaseJob::addExpectedContentType |
( |
const QByteArray & |
contentType | ) |
protected |
◆ addExpectedKey()
◆ apiEndpoint()
QByteArray Quotient::BaseJob::apiEndpoint |
( |
| ) |
const |
protected |
◆ beforeAbandon()
◆ checkReply()
Check the pending or received reply for upfront issues.
This is invoked when headers are first received and also once the complete reply is obtained; the base implementation checks the HTTP headers to detect general issues such as network errors or access denial and it's strongly recommended to call it from overrides, as early as possible.
This slot is const and cannot read the response body from the reply. If you need to read the body on the fly, override onSentRequest() and connect in it to reply->readyRead(); and if you only need to validate the body after it fully arrived, use prepareResult() for that. Returning anything except NoError/Success switches further processing from prepareResult() to prepareError().
- Returns
- the result of checking the reply
- See also
- gotReply
◆ currentBackoffStrategy()
Get the back-off strategy for this job instance.
◆ defaultBackoffStrategy()
Get the default back-off strategy used for any newly created job.
◆ doPrepare()
Prepare the job for execution.
This method is called no more than once per job lifecycle, when it's first scheduled for execution; in particular, it is not called on retries.
◆ downloadProgress
void Quotient::BaseJob::downloadProgress |
( |
qint64 |
bytesReceived, |
qint64 |
bytesTotal |
) |
| |
signal |
◆ error()
int Quotient::BaseJob::error |
( |
| ) |
const |
◆ errorString()
Error-specific message, as returned by the server.
◆ errorUrl()
QUrl Quotient::BaseJob::errorUrl |
( |
| ) |
const |
A URL to help/clarify the error, if provided by the server.
◆ expectedContentTypes()
◆ expectedKeys()
◆ failure
◆ finished
The job has finished - either with a result, or abandoned.
Emitted when the job is finished, in any case. It is used to notify observers that the job is terminated and that progress can be hidden.
This should not be emitted directly by subclasses; use finishJob() instead.
In general, to be notified of a job's completion, client code should connect to result(), success(), or failure() rather than finished(). However if you need to track the job's lifecycle you should connect to this instead of result(); in particular, only this signal will be emitted on abandoning, the others won't.
- Parameters
job | the job that emitted this signal |
- See also
- result, success, failure
◆ forceResult()
Force completion of the job for sake of testing.
Normal jobs should never use; this is only meant to be used in test mocks.
- See also
- Mocked
◆ getCurrentTimeout()
◆ getCurrentTimeoutMs()
◆ getNextRetryInterval()
◆ getNextRetryMs()
◆ initiate
◆ isBackground()
bool Quotient::BaseJob::isBackground |
( |
| ) |
const |
◆ jsonData()
Get the response body as a JSON object.
If the job's returned content type is not application/json
or if the top-level JSON entity is not an object, an empty object is returned.
◆ jsonItems()
Get the response body as a JSON array.
If the job's returned content type is not application/json
or if the top-level JSON entity is not an array, an empty array is returned.
◆ loadFromJson()
T Quotient::BaseJob::loadFromJson |
( |
auto |
keyName, |
T && |
defaultValue = {} |
) |
| const |
inline |
Load the property from the JSON response assuming a given C++ type.
If there's no top-level JSON object in the response or if there's no node with the key keyName
, defaultValue
is returned.
Definition at line 186 of file basejob.h.
◆ makePath()
template<typename... StrTs>
◆ makeRequestUrl()
Construct a URL out of baseUrl, path and query.
The function ensures exactly one '/' between the path component of baseUrl
and path
. The query component of baseUrl
is ignored.
- Note
- Unlike most of BaseJob, this function is thread-safe
◆ maxRetries()
int Quotient::BaseJob::maxRetries |
( |
| ) |
const |
◆ millisToRetry()
◆ onSentRequest()
virtual void Quotient::BaseJob::onSentRequest |
( |
QNetworkReply * |
| ) |
protectedvirtual |
Postprocessing after the network request has been sent.
This method is called every time the job receives a running QNetworkReply object from NetworkAccessManager - basically, after successfully sending a network request (including retries).
◆ prepareError()
Process details of the error.
The function processes the reply in case when status from checkReply() was not good (usually because of an unsuccessful HTTP code). The base implementation assumes Matrix JSON error object in the body; overrides are strongly recommended to call it for all stock Matrix responses as early as possible and only then process custom errors, with JSON or non-JSON payload.
- Returns
- updated (if necessary) job status
◆ prepareResult()
An extension point for additional reply processing.
The base implementation simply returns Success without doing anything else.
- See also
- gotReply
Reimplemented in Quotient::SyncJob.
◆ query()
◆ rateLimited
void Quotient::BaseJob::rateLimited |
( |
| ) |
signal |
The job has been rate-limited.
The previous network request has been rate-limited; the next attempt will be queued and run sometime later. Since other jobs may already wait in the queue, it's not possible to predict the wait time.
◆ rawData() [1/2]
const QByteArray & Quotient::BaseJob::rawData |
( |
| ) |
const |
Access the whole response body as received from the server.
◆ rawData() [2/2]
QByteArray Quotient::BaseJob::rawData |
( |
int |
bytesAtMost | ) |
const |
Get first bytes of the raw response body as received from the server.
- Parameters
bytesAtMost | the number of leftmost bytes to return |
- See also
- rawDataSample
◆ rawDataSample()
QString Quotient::BaseJob::rawDataSample |
( |
int |
bytesAtMost = 65535 | ) |
const |
Get UI-friendly sample of raw data.
This is almost the same as rawData but appends the "truncated" suffix if not all data fit in bytesAtMost. This call is recommended to present a sample of raw data as "details" next to error messages. Note that the default bytesAtMost
value is also tailored to UI cases.
- See also
- //! rawData
◆ reply() [1/2]
QNetworkReply * Quotient::BaseJob::reply |
( |
| ) |
protected |
◆ reply() [2/2]
const QNetworkReply * Quotient::BaseJob::reply |
( |
| ) |
const |
protected |
◆ requestData()
◆ requestHeaders()
◆ requestUrl()
QUrl Quotient::BaseJob::requestUrl |
( |
| ) |
const |
◆ result
The job has finished with a result, successful or unsuccessful.
Use error() or status().good() to know if the job has finished successfully.
- Parameters
job | the job that emitted this signal |
- See also
- success, failure
◆ retryScheduled
A retry of the network request is scheduled after the previous request failed.
- Parameters
nextRetryNumber | the number of the next retry, starting from 1 |
inMilliseconds | the interval after which the next attempt will be taken |
◆ sentRequest
void Quotient::BaseJob::sentRequest |
( |
| ) |
signal |
The job has sent a network request.
◆ setApiEndpoint()
void Quotient::BaseJob::setApiEndpoint |
( |
QByteArray |
apiEndpoint | ) |
protected |
◆ setBackoffStrategy()
Set the back-off strategy for this specific job instance.
◆ setDefaultBackoffStrategy()
Set the default back-off strategy to use for any newly created job.
- Note
- This back-off strategy does not apply to SyncJob; it has a separate default but you can still override it per job instance after creating it
◆ setExpectedContentTypes()
◆ setExpectedKeys()
◆ setLoggingCategory()
void Quotient::BaseJob::setLoggingCategory |
( |
QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction |
lcf | ) |
protected |
Set the logging category for the given job instance.
- Parameters
lcf | The logging category function to provide the category - the one you define with Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY (without parentheses, BaseJob will call it for you) |
◆ setMaxRetries()
void Quotient::BaseJob::setMaxRetries |
( |
int |
newMaxRetries | ) |
◆ setRequestData()
◆ setRequestHeader()
◆ setRequestHeaders()
◆ setRequestQuery()
◆ setStatus() [1/2]
◆ setStatus() [2/2]
◆ status()
Status Quotient::BaseJob::status |
( |
| ) |
const |
Current status of the job.
◆ statusCaption()
QString Quotient::BaseJob::statusCaption |
( |
| ) |
const |
Short human-friendly message on the job status.
◆ statusChanged
The job has changed its status.
◆ success
The job has finished with a successful result.
- See also
- result, failure
◆ takeFromJson()
T Quotient::BaseJob::takeFromJson |
( |
auto |
key, |
T && |
defaultValue = {} |
) |
| |
inline |
Load the property from the JSON response and delete it from JSON.
If there's no top-level JSON object in the response or if there's no node with the key keyName
, defaultValue
is returned.
Definition at line 197 of file basejob.h.
◆ takeValueFromJson()
Retrieve a value for one specific key and delete it from the JSON response object.
This allows to implement deserialisation with "move" semantics for parts of the response. Assuming that the response body is a valid JSON object, the function calls QJsonObject::take(key) on it and returns the result.
- Returns
- QJsonValue::Undefined if the response content is not a JSON object or it doesn't have
; the value for key
- See also
- takeFromJson
◆ timeout
void Quotient::BaseJob::timeout |
( |
| ) |
protectedslot |
◆ timeToRetry()
std::chrono::milliseconds Quotient::BaseJob::timeToRetry |
( |
| ) |
const |
◆ uploadProgress
◆ ConnectionData
◆ JobHandle
◆ operator<<
◆ maxRetries
int Quotient::BaseJob::maxRetries |
readwrite |
◆ requestUrl
QUrl Quotient::BaseJob::requestUrl |
read |
◆ statusCode
int Quotient::BaseJob::statusCode |
read |
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