A Qt library for building matrix clients
Quotient::DeactivateAccountJob Class Reference

Deactivate a user's account. More...

#include <registration.h>

Inheritance diagram for Quotient::DeactivateAccountJob:
Collaboration diagram for Quotient::DeactivateAccountJob:

Public Member Functions

 DeactivateAccountJob (const std::optional< AuthenticationData > &auth=std::nullopt, const QString &idServer={}, std::optional< bool > erase=std::nullopt)
QString idServerUnbindResult () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
 BaseJob (HttpVerb verb, const QString &name, QByteArray endpoint, bool needsToken=true)
 BaseJob (HttpVerb verb, const QString &name, QByteArray endpoint, const QUrlQuery &query, RequestData &&data={}, bool needsToken=true)
QUrl requestUrl () const
bool isBackground () const
Status status () const
QString statusCaption () const
QByteArray rawData (int bytesAtMost) const
const QByteArray & rawData () const
QString rawDataSample (int bytesAtMost=65535) const
QJsonObject jsonData () const
QJsonArray jsonItems () const
template<typename T , typename StrT >
loadFromJson (const StrT &keyName, T &&defaultValue={}) const
template<typename T >
takeFromJson (const QString &key, T &&defaultValue={})
int error () const
virtual QString errorString () const
QUrl errorUrl () const
int maxRetries () const
void setMaxRetries (int newMaxRetries)
std::chrono::seconds getCurrentTimeout () const
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t getCurrentTimeoutMs () const
std::chrono::seconds getNextRetryInterval () const
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t getNextRetryMs () const
std::chrono::milliseconds timeToRetry () const
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t millisToRetry () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
enum  StatusCode {
  Success = 0 , NoError = Success , Pending = 1 , WarningLevel = 20 ,
  UnexpectedResponseType = 21 , UnexpectedResponseTypeWarning = UnexpectedResponseType , Unprepared = 25 , Abandoned = 50 ,
  ErrorLevel = 100 , NetworkError = 101 , Timeout , Unauthorised ,
  ContentAccessError , NotFound , IncorrectRequest , IncorrectResponse ,
  TooManyRequests , RateLimited = TooManyRequests , RequestNotImplemented , UnsupportedRoomVersion ,
  NetworkAuthRequired , UserConsentRequired , CannotLeaveRoom , UserDeactivated ,
  FileError , UserDefinedError = 256
using duration_ms_t = std::chrono::milliseconds::rep
- Public Slots inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
void initiate (Quotient::ConnectionData *connData, bool inBackground)
void abandon ()
 Abandon the result of this job, arrived or unarrived. More...
- Signals inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
void aboutToSendRequest (QNetworkRequest *req)
 The job is about to send a network request. More...
void sentRequest ()
void statusChanged (Quotient::BaseJob::Status newStatus)
void retryScheduled (int nextAttempt, Quotient::BaseJob::duration_ms_t inMilliseconds)
void rateLimited ()
void finished (Quotient::BaseJob *job)
void result (Quotient::BaseJob *job)
void success (Quotient::BaseJob *)
void failure (Quotient::BaseJob *)
void downloadProgress (qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal)
void uploadProgress (qint64 bytesSent, qint64 bytesTotal)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
template<typename... StrTs>
static QByteArray makePath (StrTs &&... parts)
- Protected Types inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
using headers_t = QHash< QByteArray, QByteArray >
- Protected Slots inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
void timeout ()
virtual Status checkReply (const QNetworkReply *reply) const
 Check the pending or received reply for upfront issues. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
const headers_trequestHeaders () const
void setRequestHeader (const headers_t::key_type &headerName, const headers_t::mapped_type &headerValue)
void setRequestHeaders (const headers_t &headers)
QUrlQuery query () const
void setRequestQuery (const QUrlQuery &query)
const RequestDatarequestData () const
void setRequestData (RequestData &&data)
const QByteArrayList & expectedContentTypes () const
void addExpectedContentType (const QByteArray &contentType)
void setExpectedContentTypes (const QByteArrayList &contentTypes)
QByteArrayList expectedKeys () const
void addExpectedKey (const QByteArray &key)
void setExpectedKeys (const QByteArrayList &keys)
const QNetworkReply * reply () const
QNetworkReply * reply ()
virtual void doPrepare ()
virtual void onSentRequest (QNetworkReply *)
virtual void beforeAbandon ()
virtual Status prepareResult ()
 An extension point for additional reply processing. More...
virtual Status prepareError (Status currentStatus)
 Process details of the error. More...
QJsonValue takeValueFromJson (const QString &key)
 Get direct access to the JSON response object in the job. More...
void setStatus (Status s)
void setStatus (int code, QString message)
void setLoggingCategory (QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction lcf)
 Set the logging category for the given job instance. More...
 ~BaseJob () override
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
static QUrl makeRequestUrl (QUrl baseUrl, const QByteArray &encodedPath, const QUrlQuery &query={})
- Properties inherited from Quotient::BaseJob
QUrl requestUrl
int maxRetries
int statusCode

Detailed Description

Deactivate a user's account.

Deactivate the user's account, removing all ability for the user to login again.

This API endpoint uses the User-Interactive Authentication API.

An access token should be submitted to this endpoint if the client has an active session.

The homeserver may change the flows available depending on whether a valid access token is provided.

Unlike other endpoints, this endpoint does not take an id_access_token parameter because the homeserver is expected to sign the request to the identity server instead.

Definition at line 282 of file registration.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DeactivateAccountJob()

Quotient::DeactivateAccountJob::DeactivateAccountJob ( const std::optional< AuthenticationData > &  auth = std::nullopt,
const QString &  idServer = {},
std::optional< bool >  erase = std::nullopt 
authAdditional authentication information for the user-interactive authentication API.
idServerThe identity server to unbind all of the user's 3PIDs from. If not provided, the homeserver MUST use the id_server that was originally use to bind each identifier. If the homeserver does not know which id_server that was, it must return an id_server_unbind_result of no-support.
eraseWhether the user would like their content to be erased as much as possible from the server.

Erasure means that any users (or servers) which join the room after the erasure request are served redacted copies of the events sent by this account. Users which had visibility on those events prior to the erasure are still able to see unredacted copies. No redactions are sent and the erasure request is not shared over federation, so other servers might still serve unredacted copies.

The server should additionally erase any non-event data associated with the user, such as account data and contact 3PIDs.

Defaults to false if not present.

Member Function Documentation

◆ idServerUnbindResult()

QString Quotient::DeactivateAccountJob::idServerUnbindResult ( ) const

An indicator as to whether or not the homeserver was able to unbind the user's 3PIDs from the identity server(s). success indicates that all identifiers have been unbound from the identity server while no-support indicates that one or more identifiers failed to unbind due to the identity server refusing the request or the homeserver being unable to determine an identity server to unbind from. This must be success if the homeserver has no identifiers to unbind for the user.

Definition at line 327 of file registration.h.

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