A Qt library for building matrix clients
No Matches
Quotient::Room Class Reference

#include <room.h>

Inheritance diagram for Quotient::Room:
Collaboration diagram for Quotient::Room:

Public Types

enum class  Change : quint32 {
  None = 0x0 , RoomNames = 0x1 , Topic = 0x4 , PartiallyReadStats = 0x8 ,
  Avatar = 0x10 , JoinState = 0x20 , Tags = 0x40 , Members = 0x80 ,
  UnreadStats = 0x100 , Summary = 0x400 , Highlights = 0x1000 , Other = 0x8000 ,
  Any = 0xFFFF
 Room changes that can be tracked using Room::changed() signal. More...
enum  ActionScope { ThisRoomOnly , WithinSameState , OmitLeftState , WholeSequence }
 The scope to apply an action on. More...
using Timeline = std::deque< TimelineItem >
using PendingEvents = std::vector< PendingEventItem >
using RelatedEvents = QVector< const RoomEvent * >
using rev_iter_t = Timeline::const_reverse_iterator
using timeline_iter_t = Timeline::const_iterator
using ThreadView = QHash< QString, Thread >

Public Slots

void checkVersion ()
QString retryMessage (const QString &txnId)
void discardMessage (const QString &txnId)
SetRoomStateWithKeyJobsetState (const QString &evtType, const QString &stateKey, const QJsonObject &contentJson)
 Send a request to update the room state based on freeform inputs.
void setName (const QString &newName)
void setCanonicalAlias (const QString &newAlias)
void setPinnedEvents (const QStringList &events)
void setLocalAliases (const QStringList &aliases)
 Set room aliases on the user's current server.
void setTopic (const QString &newTopic)
void refreshDisplayName ()
 You shouldn't normally call this method; it's here for debugging.
JobHandle< GetRoomEventsJobgetPreviousContent (int limit=10, const QString &filter={})
void inviteToRoom (const QString &memberId)
JobHandle< LeaveRoomJobleaveRoom ()
void kickMember (const QString &memberId, const QString &reason={})
void ban (const QString &userId, const QString &reason={})
void unban (const QString &userId)
void redactEvent (const QString &eventId, const QString &reason={})
void uploadFile (const QString &id, const QUrl &localFilename, const QString &overrideContentType={})
void downloadFile (const QString &eventId, const QUrl &localFilename={})
void cancelFileTransfer (const QString &id)
void setReadReceipt (const QString &atEventId)
 Set a given event as last read and post a read receipt on it.
void markAllMessagesAsRead ()
 Put the fully-read marker at the latest message in the room.
void switchVersion (QString newVersion)
 Switch the room's version (aka upgrade)
void inviteCall (const QString &callId, const int lifetime, const QString &sdp)
void sendCallCandidates (const QString &callId, const QJsonArray &candidates)
void answerCall (const QString &callId, const QString &sdp)
void hangupCall (const QString &callId)
void activateEncryption ()


void baseStateLoaded ()
 Initial set of state events has been loaded.
void eventsHistoryJobChanged ()
void aboutToAddHistoricalMessages (Quotient::RoomEventsRange events)
void aboutToAddNewMessages (Quotient::RoomEventsRange events)
void addedMessages (int fromIndex, int toIndex)
void pendingEventAboutToAdd (Quotient::RoomEvent *event)
 The event is about to be appended to the list of pending events.
void pendingEventAdded (const Quotient::RoomEvent *event)
 An event has been appended to the list of pending events.
void pendingEventAboutToMerge (Quotient::RoomEvent *serverEvent, int pendingEventIndex)
void pendingEventMerged ()
 The remote and local copies of the event have been merged.
void pendingEventAboutToDiscard (int pendingEventIndex)
 An event will be removed from the list of pending events.
void pendingEventDiscarded ()
 An event has just been removed from the list of pending events.
void pendingEventChanged (int pendingEventIndex)
 The status of a pending event has changed.
void messageSent (QString txnId, QString eventId)
 The server accepted the message.
void newThread (const Thread &newThread)
 A new thread has been created/added in the room.
void changed (Quotient::Room::Changes changes)
void namesChanged (Quotient::Room *room)
 The room name, the canonical alias or other aliases changed.
void displaynameAboutToChange (Quotient::Room *room)
void displaynameChanged (Quotient::Room *room, QString oldName)
void pinnedEventsChanged ()
void topicChanged ()
void avatarChanged ()
void joinRuleChanged ()
 The join rule for the room has changed.
void memberJoined (RoomMember member)
 A new member has joined the room.
void memberLeft (RoomMember member)
 A member who previously joined has left.
void memberNameAboutToUpdate (RoomMember member, QString newName)
 A known joined member is about to update their display name.
void memberNameUpdated (RoomMember member)
 A known joined member has updated their display name.
void memberAvatarUpdated (RoomMember member)
 A known joined member has updated their avatar.
void memberListChanged ()
 The list of members has changed.
void allMembersLoaded ()
void encryption ()
void joinStateChanged (Quotient::JoinState oldState, Quotient::JoinState newState)
void typingChanged ()
 The list of members sending typing indicators has changed.
void highlightCountChanged ()
void notificationCountChanged ()
void displayedChanged (bool displayed)
void firstDisplayedEventChanged ()
void lastDisplayedEventChanged ()
void lastReadEventChanged (QVector< QString > userIds)
void fullyReadMarkerMoved (QString fromEventId, QString toEventId)
void partiallyReadStatsChanged ()
void unreadStatsChanged ()
void allHistoryLoadedChanged ()
void accountDataAboutToChange (QString type)
void accountDataChanged (QString type)
void tagsAboutToChange ()
void tagsChanged ()
void updatedEvent (QString eventId)
void replacedEvent (const Quotient::RoomEvent *newEvent, const Quotient::RoomEvent *oldEvent)
void newFileTransfer (QString id, QUrl localFile)
void fileTransferProgress (QString id, qint64 progress, qint64 total)
void fileTransferCompleted (QString id, QUrl localFile, FileSourceInfo fileMetadata)
void fileTransferFailed (QString id, QString errorMessage={})
void callEvent (Quotient::Room *room, const Quotient::RoomEvent *event)
void stabilityUpdated (QString recommendedDefault, QStringList stableVersions)
 The room's version stability may have changed.
void upgraded (QString serverMessage, Quotient::Room *successor)
 This room has been upgraded and won't receive updates any more.
void upgradeFailed (QString errorMessage)
 An attempted room upgrade has failed.
void beforeDestruction (Quotient::Room *)
 The room is about to be deleted.

Public Member Functions

 Room (Connection *connection, QString id, JoinState initialJoinState)
 ~Room () override
Connectionconnection () const
RoomMember localMember () const
 Get a RoomMember object for the local user.
const QStringid () const
QString version () const
bool isUnstable () const
QString predecessorId () const
Roompredecessor (JoinStates statesFilter=JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join) const
 Room predecessor.
QString successorId () const
Roomsuccessor (JoinStates statesFilter=JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join) const
 Room successor.
QString name () const
QString canonicalAlias () const
QStringList altAliases () const
QStringList aliases () const
 Get a list of both canonical and alternative aliases.
QString displayName () const
QStringList pinnedEventIds () const
QVector< const RoomEvent * > pinnedEvents () const
QString displayNameForHtml () const
QString topic () const
QString avatarMediaId () const
QUrl avatarUrl () const
const AvataravatarObject () const
Q_INVOKABLE JoinState joinState () const
int timelineSize () const
bool usesEncryption () const
RoomEventPtr decryptMessage (const EncryptedEvent &encryptedEvent)
void handleRoomKeyEvent (const RoomKeyEvent &roomKeyEvent, const QString &senderId, const QByteArray &olmSessionId, const QByteArray &senderKey, const QByteArray &senderEdKey)
int joinedCount () const
int invitedCount () const
int totalMemberCount () const
GetRoomEventsJobeventsHistoryJob () const
Q_INVOKABLE QImage avatar (int dimension)
Q_INVOKABLE QImage avatar (int width, int height)
Q_INVOKABLE RoomMember member (const QString &userId) const
 Get a RoomMember object for the given user Matrix ID.
QList< RoomMemberjoinedMembers () const
 Get a list of room members who have joined the room.
QList< RoomMembermembers () const
 Get a list of all members known to the room.
QList< RoomMembermembersLeft () const
 Get a list of all members known to have left the room.
QList< RoomMembermembersTyping () const
 Get a list of room members who are currently sending a typing indicator.
QList< RoomMemberotherMembersTyping () const
 Get a list of room members who are currently sending a typing indicator.
QStringList joinedMemberIds () const
 Get a list of room member Matrix IDs who have joined the room.
QStringList memberIds () const
 Get a list of all member Matrix IDs known to the room.
bool needsDisambiguation (const QString &userId) const
 Whether the name for the given member should be disambiguated.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Membership memberState (const QString &userId) const
 Check the join state of a given user in this room.
Q_INVOKABLE bool isMember (const QString &userId) const
 Check whether a user with the given id is a member of the room.
const AvatarmemberAvatarObject (const QString &memberId) const
Q_INVOKABLE QImage memberAvatar (const QString &memberId, int width, int height)
 Get a avatar of the specified dimensions.
Q_INVOKABLE QImage memberAvatar (const QString &memberId, int dimension)
 Get a square avatar of the specified size.
const TimelinemessageEvents () const
const PendingEventspendingEvents () const
int requestedHistorySize () const
 Get the number of requested historical events.
bool allHistoryLoaded () const
rev_iter_t historyEdge () const
 Get a reverse iterator at the position before the "oldest" event.
const ThreadViewthreads () const
Timeline::const_iterator syncEdge () const
 Get an iterator for the position beyond the latest arrived event.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::TimelineItem::index_t minTimelineIndex () const
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::TimelineItem::index_t maxTimelineIndex () const
Q_INVOKABLE bool isValidIndex (Quotient::TimelineItem::index_t timelineIndex) const
rev_iter_t findInTimeline (TimelineItem::index_t index) const
rev_iter_t findInTimeline (const QString &evtId) const
PendingEvents::iterator findPendingEvent (const QString &txnId)
PendingEvents::const_iterator findPendingEvent (const QString &txnId) const
const RelatedEvents relatedEvents (const QString &evtId, EventRelation::reltypeid_t relType) const
const RelatedEvents relatedEvents (const RoomEvent &evt, EventRelation::reltypeid_t relType) const
const RoomCreateEventcreation () const
const RoomTombstoneEventtombstone () const
bool displayed () const
void setDisplayed (bool displayed=true)
 Mark the room as currently displayed to the user.
QString firstDisplayedEventId () const
rev_iter_t firstDisplayedMarker () const
void setFirstDisplayedEventId (const QString &eventId)
void setFirstDisplayedEvent (TimelineItem::index_t index)
QString lastDisplayedEventId () const
rev_iter_t lastDisplayedMarker () const
void setLastDisplayedEventId (const QString &eventId)
void setLastDisplayedEvent (TimelineItem::index_t index)
ReadReceipt lastReadReceipt (const QString &userId) const
 Get the latest read receipt from a user.
ReadReceipt lastLocalReadReceipt () const
 Get the latest read receipt from the local user.
rev_iter_t localReadReceiptMarker () const
 Find the timeline item the local read receipt is at.
QString lastFullyReadEventId () const
 Get the latest event id marked as fully read.
rev_iter_t fullyReadMarker () const
 Get the iterator to the latest timeline item marked as fully read.
QSet< QStringuserIdsAtEvent (const QString &eventId) const
 Get users whose latest read receipts point to the event.
Q_INVOKABLE void markMessagesAsRead (const QString &uptoEventId)
 Mark the event with uptoEventId as fully read.
virtual bool isEventNotable (const TimelineItem &ti) const
 Determine whether an event should be counted as unread.
Notification notificationFor (const TimelineItem &ti) const
 Get notification details for an event.
EventStats partiallyReadStats () const
 Get event statistics since the fully read marker.
EventStats unreadStats () const
 Get event statistics since the last read receipt.
qsizetype notificationCount () const
 Get the number of notifications since the last read receipt.
qsizetype highlightCount () const
 Get the number of highlights since the last read receipt.
bool hasAccountData (const QString &type) const
const EventPtraccountData (const QString &type) const
QStringList accountDataEventTypes () const
QStringList tagNames () const
TagsMap tags () const
Tag tag (const QString &name) const
void addTag (const QString &name, const Tag &tagData={})
Q_INVOKABLE void addTag (const QString &name, float order)
Q_INVOKABLE void removeTag (const QString &name)
 Remove a tag from the room.
void setTags (TagsMap newTags, ActionScope applyOn=ThisRoomOnly)
bool isFavourite () const
 Check whether the list of tags has m.favourite.
bool isLowPriority () const
 Check whether the list of tags has m.lowpriority.
bool isServerNoticeRoom () const
 Check whether this room is for server notices (MSC1452)
Q_INVOKABLE bool isDirectChat () const
 Check whether this room is a direct chat.
QList< RoomMemberdirectChatMembers () const
 Get the list of members this room is a direct chat with.
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl makeMediaUrl (const QString &eventId, const QUrl &mxcUrl) const
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl urlToThumbnail (const QString &eventId) const
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl urlToDownload (const QString &eventId) const
Q_INVOKABLE QString fileNameToDownload (const QString &eventId) const
 Get a file name for downloading for a given event id.
Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::FileTransferInfo fileTransferInfo (const QString &id) const
 Get information on file upload/download.
Q_INVOKABLE QUrl fileSource (const QString &id) const
 Get the URL to the actual file source in a unified way.
Q_INVOKABLE QString prettyPrint (const QString &plainText) const
Q_INVOKABLE bool supportsCalls () const
Q_INVOKABLE bool canSwitchVersions () const
 Whether the current user is allowed to upgrade the room.
RoomStateView currentState () const
 Get the current room state.
JoinRule joinRule () const
 The current Join Rule for the room.
Q_INVOKABLE void setJoinRule (JoinRule newRule, const QList< QString > &allowedRooms={})
 Set the Join Rule for the room.
QList< QStringallowIds () const
 The list of Room IDs for when the join rule is Restricted.
Q_INVOKABLE int memberEffectivePowerLevel (const QString &memberId={}) const
 The effective power level of the given member in the room.
Q_INVOKABLE int powerLevelFor (const QString &eventTypeId, bool forceStateEvent=false) const
 Get the power level required to send events of the given type.
template<EventClass EvT>
int powerLevelFor () const
 Get the power level required to send events of the given type.
const PendingEventItempost (RoomEventPtr event)
 Post a pre-created room message event.
template<typename EvT , typename... ArgTs>
const PendingEventItempost (ArgTs &&... args)
template<MessageEventType type = MessageEventType::Text>
QString postText (const QString &plainText, const std::optional< QString > &html=std::nullopt, const std::optional< EventRelation > &relatesTo=std::nullopt)
 Send a text type message.
QString postFile (const QString &plainText, std::unique_ptr< EventContent::FileContentBase > fileContent, std::optional< EventRelation > relatesTo=std::nullopt)
 Send a file with the given content.
QString postJson (const QString &matrixType, const QJsonObject &eventContent)
 Send the given Json as a message.
QString postReaction (const QString &eventId, const QString &key)
 Send a reaction on a given event with a given key.
PendingEventItem::future_type whenMessageMerged (QString txnId) const
SetRoomStateWithKeyJobsetState (const StateEvent &evt)
 Send a request to update the room state with the given event.
template<typename EvT , typename... ArgTs>
auto setState (ArgTs &&... args)
 Set a state event of the given type with the given arguments.
void addMegolmSessionFromBackup (const QByteArray &sessionId, const QByteArray &sessionKey, uint32_t index, const QByteArray &senderKey, const QByteArray &senderEdKey)
Q_INVOKABLE void startVerification ()
QJsonArray exportMegolmSessions ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual Changes processStateEvent (const RoomEvent &e)
virtual Changes processEphemeralEvent (EventPtr &&event)
virtual Changes processAccountDataEvent (EventPtr &&event)
virtual void onAddNewTimelineEvents (timeline_iter_t)
virtual void onAddHistoricalTimelineEvents (rev_iter_t)
virtual void onRedaction (const RoomEvent &, const RoomEvent &)
virtual QJsonObject toJson () const
virtual void updateData (SyncRoomData &&data, bool fromCache=false)
virtual Notification checkForNotifications (const TimelineItem &ti)


RoomMember localMember
QString id
QString version
bool isUnstable
QString predecessorId
QString successorId
QString name
QStringList aliases
QStringList altAliases
QString canonicalAlias
QString displayName
QStringList pinnedEventIds
QString displayNameForHtml
QString topic
QString avatarMediaId
QUrl avatarUrl
bool usesEncryption
int timelineSize
int joinedCount
int invitedCount
int totalMemberCount
QList< RoomMembermembersTyping
QList< RoomMemberotherMembersTyping
int localMemberEffectivePowerLevel
bool displayed
QString firstDisplayedEventId
QString lastDisplayedEventId
QString lastFullyReadEventId
qsizetype highlightCount
qsizetype notificationCount
EventStats partiallyReadStats
EventStats unreadStats
bool allHistoryLoaded
QStringList tagNames
bool isFavourite
bool isLowPriority
JoinRule joinRule
QList< QStringallowIds
int requestedHistorySize
QStringList accountDataEventTypes


class Connection

Detailed Description

Definition at line 119 of file room.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ PendingEvents

Definition at line 179 of file room.h.

◆ RelatedEvents

Definition at line 180 of file room.h.

◆ rev_iter_t

using Quotient::Room::rev_iter_t = Timeline::const_reverse_iterator

Definition at line 181 of file room.h.

◆ ThreadView

Definition at line 183 of file room.h.

◆ Timeline

Definition at line 178 of file room.h.

◆ timeline_iter_t

using Quotient::Room::timeline_iter_t = Timeline::const_iterator

Definition at line 182 of file room.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ActionScope

The scope to apply an action on.

This enumeration is used to pick a strategy to propagate certain actions on the room to its predecessors and successors.


Do not apply to predecessors and successors.


Apply to predecessors and successors in the same state as the current one


Apply to all reachable predecessors and successors except those in Leave state


Apply to all reachable predecessors and successors.

Definition at line 598 of file room.h.

◆ Change

Room changes that can be tracked using Room::changed() signal.

This enumeration lists kinds of changes that can be tracked with a "cumulative" changed() signal instead of using individual signals for each change. Specific enumerators mention these individual signals.

See also

No changes occurred in the room.

See also
namesChanged, displaynameChanged
See also
See also
See also
See also
See also
See also
userAdded, userRemoved, memberRenamed, memberListChanged, displaynameChanged
See also
See also
summaryChanged, displaynameChanged
See also

A catch-all value that covers changes not listed above (such as encryption turned on or the room having been upgraded), as well as changes in the room state that the library is not aware of (e.g., custom state events) and position changes.

See also
encryptionChanged, upgraded, accountDataChanged

This is intended to test a Change/Changes value for non-emptiness; adding & Change::Any has the same meaning as !testFlag(Change::None) or adding != Change::None

testFlag(Change::Any) tests that all bits are on and will always return false.

Definition at line 191 of file room.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Room()

Quotient::Room::Room ( Connection connection,
QString  id,
JoinState  initialJoinState 

◆ ~Room()

Quotient::Room::~Room ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ aboutToAddHistoricalMessages

void Quotient::Room::aboutToAddHistoricalMessages ( Quotient::RoomEventsRange  events)

◆ aboutToAddNewMessages

void Quotient::Room::aboutToAddNewMessages ( Quotient::RoomEventsRange  events)

◆ accountData()

const EventPtr & Quotient::Room::accountData ( const QString type) const

Get a generic account data event of the given type This returns a generic hash map for any room account data event stored on the server. Tags and read markers cannot be retrieved using this method yet.

◆ accountDataAboutToChange

void Quotient::Room::accountDataAboutToChange ( QString  type)

◆ accountDataChanged

void Quotient::Room::accountDataChanged ( QString  type)

◆ accountDataEventTypes()

QStringList Quotient::Room::accountDataEventTypes ( ) const

Get a list of all room account data events

A list of event types that exist in the room

◆ activateEncryption

void Quotient::Room::activateEncryption ( )

Activates encryption for this room. Warning: Cannot be undone

◆ addedMessages

void Quotient::Room::addedMessages ( int  fromIndex,
int  toIndex 

◆ addMegolmSessionFromBackup()

void Quotient::Room::addMegolmSessionFromBackup ( const QByteArray &  sessionId,
const QByteArray &  sessionKey,
uint32_t  index,
const QByteArray &  senderKey,
const QByteArray &  senderEdKey 

◆ addTag() [1/2]

void Quotient::Room::addTag ( const QString name,
const Tag tagData = {} 

Add a new tag to this room If this room already has this tag, nothing happens. If it's a new tag for the room, the respective tag record is added to the set of tags and the new set is sent to the server to update other clients.

◆ addTag() [2/2]

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Room::addTag ( const QString name,
float  order 

◆ aliases()

QStringList Quotient::Room::aliases ( ) const

Get a list of both canonical and alternative aliases.

◆ allHistoryLoaded()

bool Quotient::Room::allHistoryLoaded ( ) const

Check whether all historical messages are already loaded

true if the "oldest" event in the timeline is a room creation event and there's no further history to load; false otherwise

◆ allHistoryLoadedChanged

void Quotient::Room::allHistoryLoadedChanged ( )

◆ allMembersLoaded

void Quotient::Room::allMembersLoaded ( )

The previously lazy-loaded members list is now loaded entirely

See also

◆ allowIds()

QList< QString > Quotient::Room::allowIds ( ) const

The list of Room IDs for when the join rule is Restricted.

This value will be empty when the Join Rule is not Restricted or Knock-Restricted.

See also

◆ altAliases()

QStringList Quotient::Room::altAliases ( ) const

◆ answerCall

void Quotient::Room::answerCall ( const QString callId,
const QString sdp 

◆ avatar() [1/2]

Q_INVOKABLE QImage Quotient::Room::avatar ( int  dimension)

Returns a square room avatar with the given size and requests it from the network if needed

a pixmap with the avatar or a placeholder if there's none available yet

◆ avatar() [2/2]

Q_INVOKABLE QImage Quotient::Room::avatar ( int  width,
int  height 

Returns a room avatar with the given dimensions and requests it from the network if needed

a pixmap with the avatar or a placeholder if there's none available yet

◆ avatarChanged

void Quotient::Room::avatarChanged ( )

◆ avatarMediaId()

QString Quotient::Room::avatarMediaId ( ) const

◆ avatarObject()

const Avatar & Quotient::Room::avatarObject ( ) const

◆ avatarUrl()

QUrl Quotient::Room::avatarUrl ( ) const

◆ ban

void Quotient::Room::ban ( const QString userId,
const QString reason = {} 

◆ baseStateLoaded

void Quotient::Room::baseStateLoaded ( )

Initial set of state events has been loaded.

The initial set is what comes from the initial sync for the room. This includes all basic things like RoomCreateEvent, RoomNameEvent, a (lazy-loaded, not full) set of RoomMemberEvents etc. This is a per-room reflection of Connection::loadedRoomState

See also

◆ beforeDestruction

void Quotient::Room::beforeDestruction ( Quotient::Room )

The room is about to be deleted.

◆ callEvent

void Quotient::Room::callEvent ( Quotient::Room room,
const Quotient::RoomEvent event 

◆ cancelFileTransfer

void Quotient::Room::cancelFileTransfer ( const QString id)

◆ canonicalAlias()

QString Quotient::Room::canonicalAlias ( ) const

◆ canSwitchVersions()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Room::canSwitchVersions ( ) const

Whether the current user is allowed to upgrade the room.

◆ changed

void Quotient::Room::changed ( Quotient::Room::Changes  changes)

A common signal for various kinds of changes in the room Aside from all changes in the room state

changesa set of flags describing what changes occurred upon the last sync
See also

◆ checkForNotifications()

virtual Notification Quotient::Room::checkForNotifications ( const TimelineItem ti)

◆ checkVersion

void Quotient::Room::checkVersion ( )

Check whether the room should be upgraded

◆ connection()

Connection * Quotient::Room::connection ( ) const

◆ creation()

const RoomCreateEvent * Quotient::Room::creation ( ) const

◆ currentState()

RoomStateView Quotient::Room::currentState ( ) const

Get the current room state.

◆ decryptMessage()

RoomEventPtr Quotient::Room::decryptMessage ( const EncryptedEvent encryptedEvent)

◆ directChatMembers()

QList< RoomMember > Quotient::Room::directChatMembers ( ) const

Get the list of members this room is a direct chat with.

◆ discardMessage

void Quotient::Room::discardMessage ( const QString txnId)

◆ displayed()

bool Quotient::Room::displayed ( ) const

◆ displayedChanged

void Quotient::Room::displayedChanged ( bool  displayed)

◆ displayName()

QString Quotient::Room::displayName ( ) const

◆ displaynameAboutToChange

void Quotient::Room::displaynameAboutToChange ( Quotient::Room room)

◆ displaynameChanged

void Quotient::Room::displaynameChanged ( Quotient::Room room,
QString  oldName 

◆ displayNameForHtml()

QString Quotient::Room::displayNameForHtml ( ) const

◆ downloadFile

void Quotient::Room::downloadFile ( const QString eventId,
const QUrl &  localFilename = {} 

◆ encryption

void Quotient::Room::encryption ( )

◆ eventsHistoryJob()

GetRoomEventsJob * Quotient::Room::eventsHistoryJob ( ) const

◆ eventsHistoryJobChanged

void Quotient::Room::eventsHistoryJobChanged ( )

◆ exportMegolmSessions()

QJsonArray Quotient::Room::exportMegolmSessions ( )

◆ fileNameToDownload()

Q_INVOKABLE QString Quotient::Room::fileNameToDownload ( const QString eventId) const

Get a file name for downloading for a given event id.

The event MUST be RoomMessageEvent and have content for downloading.

See also

◆ fileSource()

Q_INVOKABLE QUrl Quotient::Room::fileSource ( const QString id) const

Get the URL to the actual file source in a unified way.

For uploads it will return a URL to a local file; for downloads the URL will be taken from the corresponding room event.

◆ fileTransferCompleted

void Quotient::Room::fileTransferCompleted ( QString  id,
QUrl  localFile,
FileSourceInfo  fileMetadata 

◆ fileTransferFailed

void Quotient::Room::fileTransferFailed ( QString  id,
QString  errorMessage = {} 

◆ fileTransferInfo()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::FileTransferInfo Quotient::Room::fileTransferInfo ( const QString id) const

Get information on file upload/download.

iduploads are identified by the corresponding event's transactionId (because uploads are done before the event is even sent), while downloads are using the normal event id for identifier.

◆ fileTransferProgress

void Quotient::Room::fileTransferProgress ( QString  id,
qint64  progress,
qint64  total 

◆ findInTimeline() [1/2]

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::findInTimeline ( const QString evtId) const

◆ findInTimeline() [2/2]

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::findInTimeline ( TimelineItem::index_t  index) const

◆ findPendingEvent() [1/2]

PendingEvents::iterator Quotient::Room::findPendingEvent ( const QString txnId)

◆ findPendingEvent() [2/2]

PendingEvents::const_iterator Quotient::Room::findPendingEvent ( const QString txnId) const

◆ firstDisplayedEventChanged

void Quotient::Room::firstDisplayedEventChanged ( )

◆ firstDisplayedEventId()

QString Quotient::Room::firstDisplayedEventId ( ) const

◆ firstDisplayedMarker()

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::firstDisplayedMarker ( ) const

◆ fullyReadMarker()

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::fullyReadMarker ( ) const

Get the iterator to the latest timeline item marked as fully read.

This method calls findInTimeline on the result of lastFullyReadEventId. If the fully read marker turns out to be outside the timeline (because the event marked as fully read is too far back in the history) the returned value will be equal to historyEdge.

Be sure to read the caveats on iterators returned by findInTimeline.

See also
lastFullyReadEventId, findInTimeline

◆ fullyReadMarkerMoved

void Quotient::Room::fullyReadMarkerMoved ( QString  fromEventId,
QString  toEventId 

◆ getPreviousContent

JobHandle< GetRoomEventsJob > Quotient::Room::getPreviousContent ( int  limit = 10,
const QString filter = {} 

◆ handleRoomKeyEvent()

void Quotient::Room::handleRoomKeyEvent ( const RoomKeyEvent roomKeyEvent,
const QString senderId,
const QByteArray &  olmSessionId,
const QByteArray &  senderKey,
const QByteArray &  senderEdKey 

◆ hangupCall

void Quotient::Room::hangupCall ( const QString callId)

◆ hasAccountData()

bool Quotient::Room::hasAccountData ( const QString type) const

Check whether the room has account data of the given type Tags and read markers are not supported by this method yet.

◆ highlightCount()

qsizetype Quotient::Room::highlightCount ( ) const

Get the number of highlights since the last read receipt.

As of 0.7, this is defined by the homeserver as Quotient doesn't process push rules.

See also
unreadStats, lastLocalReadReceipt

◆ highlightCountChanged

void Quotient::Room::highlightCountChanged ( )
See also

◆ historyEdge()

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::historyEdge ( ) const

Get a reverse iterator at the position before the "oldest" event.

Same as messageEvents().crend()

◆ id()

const QString & Quotient::Room::id ( ) const

◆ inviteCall

void Quotient::Room::inviteCall ( const QString callId,
const int  lifetime,
const QString sdp 

◆ invitedCount()

int Quotient::Room::invitedCount ( ) const

◆ inviteToRoom

void Quotient::Room::inviteToRoom ( const QString memberId)

◆ isDirectChat()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Room::isDirectChat ( ) const

Check whether this room is a direct chat.

◆ isEventNotable()

virtual bool Quotient::Room::isEventNotable ( const TimelineItem ti) const

Determine whether an event should be counted as unread.

The criteria of including an event in unread counters are described in MSC2654; according to these, the event should be counted as unread (or, in libQuotient parlance, is "notable") if it is:

  • either
    • a message event that is not m.notice, or
    • a state event with type being one of:,,,;
  • neither redacted, nor an edit (redactions cause the redacted event to stop being notable, while edits are not notable themselves while the original event usually is);
  • from a non-local user (events from other devices of the local user are not notable).
    See also
    partiallyReadStats, unreadStats

◆ isFavourite()

bool Quotient::Room::isFavourite ( ) const

Check whether the list of tags has m.favourite.

◆ isLowPriority()

bool Quotient::Room::isLowPriority ( ) const

Check whether the list of tags has m.lowpriority.

◆ isMember()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Room::isMember ( const QString userId) const

Check whether a user with the given id is a member of the room.

◆ isServerNoticeRoom()

bool Quotient::Room::isServerNoticeRoom ( ) const

Check whether this room is for server notices (MSC1452)

◆ isUnstable()

bool Quotient::Room::isUnstable ( ) const

◆ isValidIndex()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Room::isValidIndex ( Quotient::TimelineItem::index_t  timelineIndex) const

◆ joinedCount()

int Quotient::Room::joinedCount ( ) const

◆ joinedMemberIds()

QStringList Quotient::Room::joinedMemberIds ( ) const

Get a list of room member Matrix IDs who have joined the room.

◆ joinedMembers()

QList< RoomMember > Quotient::Room::joinedMembers ( ) const

Get a list of room members who have joined the room.

◆ joinRule()

JoinRule Quotient::Room::joinRule ( ) const

The current Join Rule for the room.

See also

◆ joinRuleChanged

void Quotient::Room::joinRuleChanged ( )

The join rule for the room has changed.

◆ joinState()

Q_INVOKABLE JoinState Quotient::Room::joinState ( ) const

◆ joinStateChanged

void Quotient::Room::joinStateChanged ( Quotient::JoinState  oldState,
Quotient::JoinState  newState 

◆ kickMember

void Quotient::Room::kickMember ( const QString memberId,
const QString reason = {} 

◆ lastDisplayedEventChanged

void Quotient::Room::lastDisplayedEventChanged ( )

◆ lastDisplayedEventId()

QString Quotient::Room::lastDisplayedEventId ( ) const

◆ lastDisplayedMarker()

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::lastDisplayedMarker ( ) const

◆ lastFullyReadEventId()

QString Quotient::Room::lastFullyReadEventId ( ) const

Get the latest event id marked as fully read.

This can be either the event id pointed to by the actual latest m.fully_read event, or the latest event id marked locally as fully read if markMessagesAsRead or markAllMessagesAsRead has been called and the homeserver didn't return an updated m.fully_read event yet.

See also
markMessagesAsRead, markAllMessagesAsRead, fullyReadMarker

◆ lastLocalReadReceipt()

ReadReceipt Quotient::Room::lastLocalReadReceipt ( ) const

Get the latest read receipt from the local user.

This is a shortcut for lastReadReceipt(localUserId).

See also

◆ lastReadEventChanged

void Quotient::Room::lastReadEventChanged ( QVector< QString userIds)

The event the receipt points to has changed for the listed users

See also

◆ lastReadReceipt()

ReadReceipt Quotient::Room::lastReadReceipt ( const QString userId) const

Get the latest read receipt from a user.

The user id must be valid. A read receipt with an empty event id is returned if the user id is valid but there was no read receipt from them.

See also

◆ leaveRoom

JobHandle< LeaveRoomJob > Quotient::Room::leaveRoom ( )

◆ localMember()

RoomMember Quotient::Room::localMember ( ) const

Get a RoomMember object for the local user.

◆ localReadReceiptMarker()

rev_iter_t Quotient::Room::localReadReceiptMarker ( ) const

Find the timeline item the local read receipt is at.

This is a shortcut for


◆ makeMediaUrl()

Q_INVOKABLE QUrl Quotient::Room::makeMediaUrl ( const QString eventId,
const QUrl &  mxcUrl 
) const

◆ markAllMessagesAsRead

void Quotient::Room::markAllMessagesAsRead ( )

Put the fully-read marker at the latest message in the room.

◆ markMessagesAsRead()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Room::markMessagesAsRead ( const QString uptoEventId)

Mark the event with uptoEventId as fully read.

Marks the event with the specified id as fully read locally and also sends an update to m.fully_read account data to the server either for this message or, if it's from the local user, for the nearest non-local message before. uptoEventId must point to a known event in the timeline; the method will do nothing if the event is behind the current m.fully_read marker or is not loaded, to prevent accidentally trying to move the marker back in the timeline.

See also
markAllMessagesAsRead, fullyReadMarker

◆ maxTimelineIndex()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::TimelineItem::index_t Quotient::Room::maxTimelineIndex ( ) const

◆ member()

Q_INVOKABLE RoomMember Quotient::Room::member ( const QString userId) const

Get a RoomMember object for the given user Matrix ID.

Will return a nullptr if there is no event for the user in the room so needs to be null checked.

This can return a member in any state that is known to the room so check the state (using RoomMember::membershipState()) before use.

◆ memberAvatar() [1/2]

Q_INVOKABLE QImage Quotient::Room::memberAvatar ( const QString memberId,
int  dimension 

Get a square avatar of the specified size.

This is an overload for the case when the needed width and height are equal.

◆ memberAvatar() [2/2]

Q_INVOKABLE QImage Quotient::Room::memberAvatar ( const QString memberId,
int  width,
int  height 

Get a avatar of the specified dimensions.

This always returns immediately; if there's no avatar cached yet, the call triggers a network request, that will emit Room::memberAvatarUpdated() once completed.

a pixmap with the avatar or a placeholder if there's none available yet

◆ memberAvatarObject()

const Avatar & Quotient::Room::memberAvatarObject ( const QString memberId) const

◆ memberAvatarUpdated

void Quotient::Room::memberAvatarUpdated ( RoomMember  member)

A known joined member has updated their avatar.

◆ memberEffectivePowerLevel()

Q_INVOKABLE int Quotient::Room::memberEffectivePowerLevel ( const QString memberId = {}) const

The effective power level of the given member in the room.

This is normally the same as calling RoomPowerLevelEvent::powerLevelForUser(userId) but takes into account the room context and works even if the room state has no power levels event. It is THE recommended way to get a room member's power level to display in the UI.

memberIdThe room member ID to check; if empty, the local user will be checked
See also

◆ memberIds()

QStringList Quotient::Room::memberIds ( ) const

Get a list of all member Matrix IDs known to the room.

◆ memberJoined

void Quotient::Room::memberJoined ( RoomMember  member)

A new member has joined the room.

This can be from any previous state or a member previously unknown to the room.

◆ memberLeft

void Quotient::Room::memberLeft ( RoomMember  member)

A member who previously joined has left.

The member will still be known to the room their membership state has changed from Membership::Join to anything else.

◆ memberListChanged

void Quotient::Room::memberListChanged ( )

The list of members has changed.

Emitted no more than once per sync, this is a good signal to for cases when some action should be done upon any change in the member list. If you need per-item granularity you should use userAdded, userRemoved and memberAboutToRename / memberRenamed instead.

◆ memberNameAboutToUpdate

void Quotient::Room::memberNameAboutToUpdate ( RoomMember  member,
QString  newName 

A known joined member is about to update their display name.

◆ memberNameUpdated

void Quotient::Room::memberNameUpdated ( RoomMember  member)

A known joined member has updated their display name.

◆ members()

QList< RoomMember > Quotient::Room::members ( ) const

Get a list of all members known to the room.

◆ membersLeft()

QList< RoomMember > Quotient::Room::membersLeft ( ) const

Get a list of all members known to have left the room.

◆ memberState()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::Membership Quotient::Room::memberState ( const QString userId) const

Check the join state of a given user in this room.

the given user's state with respect to the room

◆ membersTyping()

QList< RoomMember > Quotient::Room::membersTyping ( ) const

Get a list of room members who are currently sending a typing indicator.

◆ messageEvents()

const Timeline & Quotient::Room::messageEvents ( ) const

◆ messageSent

void Quotient::Room::messageSent ( QString  txnId,
QString  eventId 

The server accepted the message.

This is emitted when an event sending request has successfully completed. This does not mean that the event is already in the local timeline, only that the server has accepted it.

txnIdtransaction id assigned by the client during sending
eventIdevent id assigned by the server upon acceptance
See also
postEvent, postPlainText, postMessage, postHtmlMessage
pendingEventMerged, aboutToAddNewMessages

◆ minTimelineIndex()

Q_INVOKABLE Quotient::TimelineItem::index_t Quotient::Room::minTimelineIndex ( ) const

◆ name()

QString Quotient::Room::name ( ) const

◆ namesChanged

void Quotient::Room::namesChanged ( Quotient::Room room)

The room name, the canonical alias or other aliases changed.

Not triggered when display name changes.

◆ needsDisambiguation()

bool Quotient::Room::needsDisambiguation ( const QString userId) const

Whether the name for the given member should be disambiguated.

◆ newFileTransfer

void Quotient::Room::newFileTransfer ( QString  id,
QUrl  localFile 

◆ newThread

void Quotient::Room::newThread ( const Thread newThread)

A new thread has been created/added in the room.

◆ notificationCount()

qsizetype Quotient::Room::notificationCount ( ) const

Get the number of notifications since the last read receipt.

This is the same as unreadStats().notableCount.

See also
unreadStats, lastLocalReadReceipt

◆ notificationCountChanged

void Quotient::Room::notificationCountChanged ( )

◆ notificationFor()

Notification Quotient::Room::notificationFor ( const TimelineItem ti) const

Get notification details for an event.

This allows to get details on the kind of notification that should generated for evt.

◆ onAddHistoricalTimelineEvents()

virtual void Quotient::Room::onAddHistoricalTimelineEvents ( rev_iter_t  )

Definition at line 1027 of file room.h.

◆ onAddNewTimelineEvents()

virtual void Quotient::Room::onAddNewTimelineEvents ( timeline_iter_t  )

Definition at line 1026 of file room.h.

◆ onRedaction()

virtual void Quotient::Room::onRedaction ( const RoomEvent ,
const RoomEvent  

Definition at line 1028 of file room.h.

◆ otherMembersTyping()

QList< RoomMember > Quotient::Room::otherMembersTyping ( ) const

Get a list of room members who are currently sending a typing indicator.

The local member is excluded from this list.

◆ partiallyReadStats()

EventStats Quotient::Room::partiallyReadStats ( ) const

Get event statistics since the fully read marker.

This call returns a structure containing:

  • the number of notable unread events since the fully read marker; depending on the fully read marker state with respect to the local timeline, this number may be either exact or estimated (see EventStats::isEstimate);
  • the number of highlights (TODO).

Note that this is different from the unread count defined by MSC2654 and from the notification/highlight numbers defined by the spec in that it counts events since the fully read marker, not since the last read receipt position.

As E2EE is not supported in the library, the returned result will always be an estimate (isEstimate == true) for encrypted rooms; moreover, since the library doesn't know how to tackle push rules yet the number of highlights returned here will always be zero (there's no good substitute for that now).

See also
isEventNotable, fullyReadMarker, unreadStats, EventStats

◆ partiallyReadStatsChanged

void Quotient::Room::partiallyReadStatsChanged ( )

◆ pendingEventAboutToAdd

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventAboutToAdd ( Quotient::RoomEvent event)

The event is about to be appended to the list of pending events.

◆ pendingEventAboutToDiscard

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventAboutToDiscard ( int  pendingEventIndex)

An event will be removed from the list of pending events.

◆ pendingEventAboutToMerge

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventAboutToMerge ( Quotient::RoomEvent serverEvent,
int  pendingEventIndex 

The remote echo has arrived with the sync and will be merged with its local counterpart NB: Requires a sync loop to be emitted

◆ pendingEventAdded

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventAdded ( const Quotient::RoomEvent event)

An event has been appended to the list of pending events.

◆ pendingEventChanged

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventChanged ( int  pendingEventIndex)

The status of a pending event has changed.

See also

◆ pendingEventDiscarded

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventDiscarded ( )

An event has just been removed from the list of pending events.

◆ pendingEventMerged

void Quotient::Room::pendingEventMerged ( )

The remote and local copies of the event have been merged.

NB: Requires a sync loop to be emitted

◆ pendingEvents()

const PendingEvents & Quotient::Room::pendingEvents ( ) const

◆ pinnedEventIds()

QStringList Quotient::Room::pinnedEventIds ( ) const

◆ pinnedEvents()

QVector< const RoomEvent * > Quotient::Room::pinnedEvents ( ) const

◆ pinnedEventsChanged

void Quotient::Room::pinnedEventsChanged ( )

◆ post() [1/2]

template<typename EvT , typename... ArgTs>
const PendingEventItem & Quotient::Room::post ( ArgTs &&...  args)

Definition at line 751 of file room.h.

◆ post() [2/2]

const PendingEventItem & Quotient::Room::post ( RoomEventPtr  event)

Post a pre-created room message event.

Takes ownership of the event, deleting it once the matching one arrives with the sync.

Do not assume that the event is already on the road to the homeserver when this (or any other post*) method returns; it can be queued internally.
See also
a reference to the pending event item

◆ postFile()

QString Quotient::Room::postFile ( const QString plainText,
std::unique_ptr< EventContent::FileContentBase fileContent,
std::optional< EventRelation relatesTo = std::nullopt 

Send a file with the given content.

◆ postJson()

QString Quotient::Room::postJson ( const QString matrixType,
const QJsonObject eventContent 

Send the given Json as a message.

◆ postReaction()

QString Quotient::Room::postReaction ( const QString eventId,
const QString key 

Send a reaction on a given event with a given key.

◆ postText()

template<MessageEventType type = MessageEventType::Text>
QString Quotient::Room::postText ( const QString plainText,
const std::optional< QString > &  html = std::nullopt,
const std::optional< EventRelation > &  relatesTo = std::nullopt 

Send a text type message.

This means MessageEventType Text, Emote or Notice.

Definition at line 760 of file room.h.

◆ powerLevelFor() [1/2]

template<EventClass EvT>
int Quotient::Room::powerLevelFor ( ) const

Get the power level required to send events of the given type.

This is an optimised version of non-template powerLevelFor() (with the same caveat about operations based on some event types) for cases when the event type is known at build time.

Template Parameters
EvTthe event type to get the power level for

Definition at line 736 of file room.h.

◆ powerLevelFor() [2/2]

Q_INVOKABLE int Quotient::Room::powerLevelFor ( const QString eventTypeId,
bool  forceStateEvent = false 
) const

Get the power level required to send events of the given type.

This is a generic method that only gets the power level to send events with a given type. Some operations have additional restrictions or enablers though: e.g., room member changes (kicks, invites) have special power levels; on the other hand, redactions of one's own messages are allowed regardless of the power level. To check effective ability to perform an operation, use Room's can*() methods instead of comparing the power levels (those are also slightly more efficient).
Unlike the template version below, this method determines at runtime whether an event type is that of a state event, assuming unknown event types to be non-state; pass true as the second parameter to override that.
See also
canSend, canRedact, canSwitchVersions

◆ predecessor()

Room * Quotient::Room::predecessor ( JoinStates  statesFilter = JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join) const

Room predecessor.

This function validates that the predecessor has a tombstone and the tombstone refers to the current room. If that's not the case, or if the predecessor is in a join state not matching stateFilter, the function returns nullptr.

◆ predecessorId()

QString Quotient::Room::predecessorId ( ) const

◆ prettyPrint()

Q_INVOKABLE QString Quotient::Room::prettyPrint ( const QString plainText) const

Pretty-prints plain text into HTML As of now, it's exactly the same as Quotient::prettyPrint(); in the future, it will also linkify room aliases, mxids etc. using the room context.

◆ processAccountDataEvent()

virtual Changes Quotient::Room::processAccountDataEvent ( EventPtr &&  event)

◆ processEphemeralEvent()

virtual Changes Quotient::Room::processEphemeralEvent ( EventPtr &&  event)

◆ processStateEvent()

virtual Changes Quotient::Room::processStateEvent ( const RoomEvent e)

◆ redactEvent

void Quotient::Room::redactEvent ( const QString eventId,
const QString reason = {} 

◆ refreshDisplayName

void Quotient::Room::refreshDisplayName ( )

You shouldn't normally call this method; it's here for debugging.

◆ relatedEvents() [1/2]

const RelatedEvents Quotient::Room::relatedEvents ( const QString evtId,
EventRelation::reltypeid_t  relType 
) const

◆ relatedEvents() [2/2]

const RelatedEvents Quotient::Room::relatedEvents ( const RoomEvent evt,
EventRelation::reltypeid_t  relType 
) const

◆ removeTag()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Room::removeTag ( const QString name)

Remove a tag from the room.

◆ replacedEvent

void Quotient::Room::replacedEvent ( const Quotient::RoomEvent newEvent,
const Quotient::RoomEvent oldEvent 

◆ requestedHistorySize()

int Quotient::Room::requestedHistorySize ( ) const

Get the number of requested historical events.

The number of requested events if there's a pending request; 0 otherwise

◆ retryMessage

QString Quotient::Room::retryMessage ( const QString txnId)

◆ sendCallCandidates

void Quotient::Room::sendCallCandidates ( const QString callId,
const QJsonArray candidates 

◆ setCanonicalAlias

void Quotient::Room::setCanonicalAlias ( const QString newAlias)

◆ setDisplayed()

void Quotient::Room::setDisplayed ( bool  displayed = true)

Mark the room as currently displayed to the user.

Marking the room displayed causes the room to obtain the full list of members if it's been lazy-loaded before; in the future it may do more things bound to "screen time" of the room, e.g. measure that "screen time".

◆ setFirstDisplayedEvent()

void Quotient::Room::setFirstDisplayedEvent ( TimelineItem::index_t  index)

◆ setFirstDisplayedEventId()

void Quotient::Room::setFirstDisplayedEventId ( const QString eventId)

◆ setJoinRule()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Room::setJoinRule ( JoinRule  newRule,
const QList< QString > &  allowedRooms = {} 

Set the Join Rule for the room.

If the local user does not have a high enough power level the request is rejected.

newRulethe new JoinRule to apply to the room
allowedRoomsonly required when the join rule is restricted. This is a list of room IDs that members of can join without an invite. If the rule is restricted and this list is empty it is treated as a join rule of invite instead.
While any room ID is permitted it is designed to be only spaces that are input. I.e. only memebers of space x can join this room.
See also

◆ setLastDisplayedEvent()

void Quotient::Room::setLastDisplayedEvent ( TimelineItem::index_t  index)

◆ setLastDisplayedEventId()

void Quotient::Room::setLastDisplayedEventId ( const QString eventId)

◆ setLocalAliases

void Quotient::Room::setLocalAliases ( const QStringList aliases)

Set room aliases on the user's current server.

◆ setName

void Quotient::Room::setName ( const QString newName)

◆ setPinnedEvents

void Quotient::Room::setPinnedEvents ( const QStringList events)

◆ setReadReceipt

void Quotient::Room::setReadReceipt ( const QString atEventId)

Set a given event as last read and post a read receipt on it.

Does nothing if the event is behind the current read receipt.

See also
lastReadReceipt, markMessagesAsRead, markAllMessagesAsRead

◆ setState() [1/3]

template<typename EvT , typename... ArgTs>
auto Quotient::Room::setState ( ArgTs &&...  args)

Set a state event of the given type with the given arguments.

This type-safe overload attempts to send a state event of the type EvT constructed from args.

Definition at line 798 of file room.h.

◆ setState [2/3]

SetRoomStateWithKeyJob * Quotient::Room::setState ( const QString evtType,
const QString stateKey,
const QJsonObject contentJson 

Send a request to update the room state based on freeform inputs.

◆ setState() [3/3]

SetRoomStateWithKeyJob * Quotient::Room::setState ( const StateEvent evt)

Send a request to update the room state with the given event.

◆ setTags()

void Quotient::Room::setTags ( TagsMap  newTags,
ActionScope  applyOn = ThisRoomOnly 

Overwrite the room's tags This completely replaces the existing room's tags with a set of new ones and updates the new set on the server. Unlike most other methods in Room, this one sends a signal about changes immediately, not waiting for confirmation from the server (because tags are saved in account data rather than in shared room state).

applyOnsetting this to Room::OnAllConversations will set tags on this and all known predecessors and successors; by default only the current room is changed

◆ setTopic

void Quotient::Room::setTopic ( const QString newTopic)

◆ stabilityUpdated

void Quotient::Room::stabilityUpdated ( QString  recommendedDefault,
QStringList  stableVersions 

The room's version stability may have changed.

◆ startVerification()

Q_INVOKABLE void Quotient::Room::startVerification ( )

◆ successor()

Room * Quotient::Room::successor ( JoinStates  statesFilter = JoinState::Invite|JoinState::Join) const

Room successor.

This function validates that the successor room's creation event refers to the current room. If that's not the case, or if the successor is in a join state not matching stateFilter, it returns nullptr.

◆ successorId()

QString Quotient::Room::successorId ( ) const

◆ supportsCalls()

Q_INVOKABLE bool Quotient::Room::supportsCalls ( ) const

◆ switchVersion

void Quotient::Room::switchVersion ( QString  newVersion)

Switch the room's version (aka upgrade)

◆ syncEdge()

Timeline::const_iterator Quotient::Room::syncEdge ( ) const

Get an iterator for the position beyond the latest arrived event.

Same as messageEvents().cend()

◆ tag()

Tag Quotient::Room::tag ( const QString name) const

◆ tagNames()

QStringList Quotient::Room::tagNames ( ) const

◆ tags()

TagsMap Quotient::Room::tags ( ) const

◆ tagsAboutToChange

void Quotient::Room::tagsAboutToChange ( )

◆ tagsChanged

void Quotient::Room::tagsChanged ( )

◆ threads()

const ThreadView & Quotient::Room::threads ( ) const

◆ timelineSize()

int Quotient::Room::timelineSize ( ) const

◆ toJson()

virtual QJsonObject Quotient::Room::toJson ( ) const

◆ tombstone()

const RoomTombstoneEvent * Quotient::Room::tombstone ( ) const

◆ topic()

QString Quotient::Room::topic ( ) const

◆ topicChanged

void Quotient::Room::topicChanged ( )

◆ totalMemberCount()

int Quotient::Room::totalMemberCount ( ) const

◆ typingChanged

void Quotient::Room::typingChanged ( )

The list of members sending typing indicators has changed.

◆ unban

void Quotient::Room::unban ( const QString userId)

◆ unreadStats()

EventStats Quotient::Room::unreadStats ( ) const

Get event statistics since the last read receipt.

This call returns a structure that contains the following three numbers, all counted on the timeline segment between the event pointed to by the m.fully_read marker and the sync edge:

  • the number of unread events - depending on the read receipt state with respect to the local timeline, this number may be either precise or estimated (see EventStats::isEstimate);
  • the number of highlights (TODO).

As E2EE is not supported in the library, the returned result will always be an estimate (isEstimate == true) for encrypted rooms; moreover, since the library doesn't know how to tackle push rules yet the number of highlights returned here will always be zero - use highlightCount() for now.

See also
isEventNotable, lastLocalReadReceipt, partiallyReadStats, highlightCount

◆ unreadStatsChanged

void Quotient::Room::unreadStatsChanged ( )

◆ updateData()

virtual void Quotient::Room::updateData ( SyncRoomData &&  data,
bool  fromCache = false 

◆ updatedEvent

void Quotient::Room::updatedEvent ( QString  eventId)

◆ upgraded

void Quotient::Room::upgraded ( QString  serverMessage,
Quotient::Room successor 

This room has been upgraded and won't receive updates any more.

◆ upgradeFailed

void Quotient::Room::upgradeFailed ( QString  errorMessage)

An attempted room upgrade has failed.

◆ uploadFile

void Quotient::Room::uploadFile ( const QString id,
const QUrl &  localFilename,
const QString overrideContentType = {} 

◆ urlToDownload()

Q_INVOKABLE QUrl Quotient::Room::urlToDownload ( const QString eventId) const

◆ urlToThumbnail()

Q_INVOKABLE QUrl Quotient::Room::urlToThumbnail ( const QString eventId) const

◆ userIdsAtEvent()

QSet< QString > Quotient::Room::userIdsAtEvent ( const QString eventId) const

Get users whose latest read receipts point to the event.

This method is for cases when you need to show users who have read an event. Calling it on inexistent or empty event id will return an empty set.

The returned list may contain ids resolving to users that are not loaded as room members yet (in particular, if members are not yet lazy-loaded). For now this merely means that the user's room-specific name and avatar will not be there; but generally it's recommended to ensure that all room members are loaded before operating on the result of this function.
See also
lastReadReceipt, allMembersLoaded

◆ usesEncryption()

bool Quotient::Room::usesEncryption ( ) const

◆ version()

QString Quotient::Room::version ( ) const

◆ whenMessageMerged()

PendingEventItem::future_type Quotient::Room::whenMessageMerged ( QString  txnId) const

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ Connection

Definition at line 1036 of file room.h.

Property Documentation

◆ accountDataEventTypes

QStringList Quotient::Room::accountDataEventTypes

Definition at line 175 of file room.h.

◆ aliases

QStringList Quotient::Room::aliases

Definition at line 129 of file room.h.

◆ allHistoryLoaded

bool Quotient::Room::allHistoryLoaded

Definition at line 164 of file room.h.

◆ allowIds

QList<QString> Quotient::Room::allowIds

Definition at line 170 of file room.h.

◆ altAliases

QStringList Quotient::Room::altAliases

Definition at line 130 of file room.h.

◆ avatarMediaId

QString Quotient::Room::avatarMediaId

Definition at line 137 of file room.h.

◆ avatarUrl

QUrl Quotient::Room::avatarUrl

Definition at line 139 of file room.h.

◆ canonicalAlias

QString Quotient::Room::canonicalAlias

Definition at line 131 of file room.h.

◆ connection

Connection* Quotient::Room::connection

Definition at line 121 of file room.h.

◆ displayed

bool Quotient::Room::displayed

Definition at line 150 of file room.h.

◆ displayName

QString Quotient::Room::displayName

Definition at line 132 of file room.h.

◆ displayNameForHtml

QString Quotient::Room::displayNameForHtml

Definition at line 135 of file room.h.

◆ eventsHistoryJob

GetRoomEventsJob* Quotient::Room::eventsHistoryJob

Definition at line 172 of file room.h.

◆ firstDisplayedEventId

QString Quotient::Room::firstDisplayedEventId

Definition at line 152 of file room.h.

◆ highlightCount

qsizetype Quotient::Room::highlightCount

Definition at line 158 of file room.h.

◆ id

QString Quotient::Room::id

Definition at line 123 of file room.h.

◆ invitedCount

int Quotient::Room::invitedCount

Definition at line 144 of file room.h.

◆ isFavourite

bool Quotient::Room::isFavourite

Definition at line 167 of file room.h.

◆ isLowPriority

bool Quotient::Room::isLowPriority

Definition at line 168 of file room.h.

◆ isUnstable

bool Quotient::Room::isUnstable

Definition at line 125 of file room.h.

◆ joinedCount

int Quotient::Room::joinedCount

Definition at line 143 of file room.h.

◆ joinRule

JoinRule Quotient::Room::joinRule

Definition at line 169 of file room.h.

◆ lastDisplayedEventId

QString Quotient::Room::lastDisplayedEventId

Definition at line 154 of file room.h.

◆ lastFullyReadEventId

QString Quotient::Room::lastFullyReadEventId

Definition at line 156 of file room.h.

◆ localMember

RoomMember Quotient::Room::localMember

Definition at line 122 of file room.h.

◆ localMemberEffectivePowerLevel

int Quotient::Room::localMemberEffectivePowerLevel

Definition at line 148 of file room.h.

◆ membersTyping

QList<RoomMember> Quotient::Room::membersTyping

Definition at line 146 of file room.h.

◆ name

QString Quotient::Room::name

Definition at line 128 of file room.h.

◆ notificationCount

qsizetype Quotient::Room::notificationCount

Definition at line 160 of file room.h.

◆ otherMembersTyping

QList<RoomMember> Quotient::Room::otherMembersTyping

Definition at line 147 of file room.h.

◆ partiallyReadStats

EventStats Quotient::Room::partiallyReadStats

Definition at line 162 of file room.h.

◆ pinnedEventIds

QStringList Quotient::Room::pinnedEventIds

Definition at line 133 of file room.h.

◆ predecessorId

QString Quotient::Room::predecessorId

Definition at line 126 of file room.h.

◆ requestedHistorySize

int Quotient::Room::requestedHistorySize

Definition at line 173 of file room.h.

◆ successorId

QString Quotient::Room::successorId

Definition at line 127 of file room.h.

◆ tagNames

QStringList Quotient::Room::tagNames

Definition at line 166 of file room.h.

◆ timelineSize

int Quotient::Room::timelineSize

Definition at line 142 of file room.h.

◆ topic

QString Quotient::Room::topic

Definition at line 136 of file room.h.

◆ totalMemberCount

int Quotient::Room::totalMemberCount

Definition at line 145 of file room.h.

◆ unreadStats

EventStats Quotient::Room::unreadStats

Definition at line 163 of file room.h.

◆ usesEncryption

bool Quotient::Room::usesEncryption

Definition at line 140 of file room.h.

◆ version

QString Quotient::Room::version

Definition at line 124 of file room.h.

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